And for no other reason really, as it is a stone hatchet, and would not prove much functionally long-term. Plus it was more of yesterday lesson for Evan and how Stone axes would have been made a long time ago. (We did use power tools though. 😁😁)
First, we found a really awesome Stone to use that was shaped wonderfully for the job!
A short search yeilded us a wonderful oak handle. With just a little modification it would be perfect.
As I said, we use a circular saw and this is how and why. We needed to cut a small area for the stone to fit into the oak stick.
With it I cut a small divot into the log about an inch deep. It was pretty easy, but you have to be careful because this is not with the saw is intended to do. I don't recommend anyone else doing this.
I then used another piece of love to hammer the stone into the first log. When I was done it looked something like this.