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RE: Homeschooling Saves Taxpayers Tens of Millions Every Year

On the upside homeschooling can produce self-confident young men like this....

On the downside homeschooling is only really viable for the middle classes who use it to reproduce irritating precocious beanie-wearing smug brats like this...


Homeschoolers come from a variety of economic backgrounds, some families homeschool with incomes less than $10,000 per year👍
and we also get folks like this :)

Oh I'm definitely for it BTW, if I had kids I'd absolutely look into doing some kind of collective home schooling - maybe it's different in the states, here in the UK though homeschooling just wouldn't work for a huge proportion of people because too many parents lack the basic math and English skills to really develop their kids.

That's assuming of course that you want all kids to have basic skills like reading and maths.

That's not supposed to be a sarcastic comment btw, I'm just saying that the whole purpose of education is ultimately open to debate and what homeschooling can do is expand the concept out from the state's idea of it, which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

For it to be expandable to the masses here, it would still need some kind of state support for parents I think.

whether the parents are competent enough hasn't shown to play much of a part, i mean quite frequently home schooled children academically outperform their parents.. so even if a parent isn't good in math or science for example they could outsource that learning to someone else and the internet makes that extremely easy to do today! There are some amazing teachers on Youtube teaching everything from math and statistics to guitar lessons and earth science and a lot more. Also free lessons being offered from teachers in dozens of different universities in the US :)

Let's also keep in mind that many of the kids graduating high school in the US today are illiterate and under perform homeschooled kids academically.. that's after they were educated from those "smart teachers" with those fancy degrees lol

It sounds like government schools are failing, if parents lack those skills. DoingItVoluntarily said it best, all the tools are there, even if the parents are not skilled.

I can tell you we weren't, but are now.

LOL, well played DIV.


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