25 Fatal School Shootings but Homeschool is Dangerous?!

in #homeschool7 years ago

Since Columbine there have been 25 fatal shootings in public schools across America...

Yet new legislation in California wants us to believe homeschooling is dangerous...

Sparked by Perris Case Assemblyman Seeks Private School Oversight

This new law would be extremely costly to California taxpayers asking each homeschooling family to receive a visit from social workers and CPS employees.

In an ironic twist, now that the Turpin 13 have brought homeschoolers to light as potentially dangerous though statistically there is no reason to believe this, we have yet another school shooting killing 17. This is the 25th school shooting since Columbine in 1999.

Response from several liberal celebrities and politicians on the Twitter feed is more gun control in America. Since Columbine there have been multiple gun laws enacted in almost every state with no significant reduction in crime..

Common Media Myths About Gun Control:

While celebrities and lawmakers are quick to jump on the NRA and gun laws not one of them seems to go after the pharmaceutical industry though most shootings are by people under the influence of SSRI antidepressant medication...

SSRI stories https://ssristories.org/

Very few people actually know that a lawsuit was brought against one of the pharmaceutical companies by a victim of the Columbine shooting for the fact that the shooter's were under the influence of prescription medications known to cause violence.

Antidepressants are a prescription for mass shootings

If there aren't enough reasons to want to homeschool your kid Visa-vi Common Core, the deliberate dumbing down of society and the fact that many children graduate from high school and can barely read past a fifth grade level now we must add possible murder in the mix.

In conclusion this is not a time to give in to the states bully tactics, now more than ever it is important to consider homeschool as an option for our children's education and their safety.

Additional citations to review


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