What you can expect during an initial consultation with Tracy W Lockwood
New patients often don't know what to expect when they come to see me for an initial consultation. Firstly, it will be very in-depth and like no other appointment you have ever experienced. Why? My initial consultations last for 90-minutes and involves various questions regarding your medical history, current symptoms, medications list, diet, mental health state and general life-style. This is to ascertain the programme best suited for your needs. Secondly, you will leave your initial consult with a support plan, detox programme (if applicable) and a prescription.
Ascertaining your level of need really depends on how often you will be required to see me (online). If you are currently in a full blown pain and exhaustion flare-up, expect weekly appointments at least. This is to ensure you are on a suitable detox programme, your prescriptions are working for your body and condition, as well as support you via life-coaching. The life-coaching aspect entails working with the patient around their current mental health and life-style choices. For instance, are you suffering from depression and anxiety due to your disorder? Are you getting up and around enough to get the blood flowing and on the track to starting an exercise regime? You maybe asking at this particular moment - 'how can I exercise when I can't even move' or 'I'm just to tired to get out of bed or off the coach, how can I exercise?' Well, I'm not expecting a half marathon lets put it that way, however, any kind of stretching, moving and getting up and even going for a quick walk can help initially. You have to start somewhere! I can guarantee you, this won't be easy initially, but you really have to feel pain to get gain. Cliche but so accurate! I'm here to support and guide you through this journey.
All appointments are online, however, I am willing to see patients in and around London area if needed. I decided to move my practice to a more online approach via Skype, Facetime or Zoom as we are living in a global world now and it makes sense. I also wanted those in other countries and regions throughout the UK to have access to my services. I will speak to you online, see your movements, any physical symptoms (without a physical exam of course) and we will have a video discussion just the same as I would in an office environment. I have helped people all over the world and from the UK to the United States, Canada and various countries in the European Union - France, Switzerland and Norway - via this format. Prescriptions costs are not included in the consultation, however, I do advise on where you can purchase from a pharmacy in your own country as well as where you can purchase good quality supplements and herbs. If you are to vulnerable to order it yourself, I can do this for you, however, please be aware there is a cost involved.
If you want to begin this journey to gain optimum health with me and my tried and tested programme, please contact me. If you are following my blogs and work, you are already aware that I am also a sufferer of Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. so I understand what you are going through. I've been there, but I decided to take my
health into my own hands and now I can help you with the same methods I used to get my life back.
For an appointment check me out at https://www.tracywlockwood.com/services
Also check me out on Facebook @tracywlockwood - Fibromyalgia Support with Homeopathic Medicine and Twitter @RRP_Recovery