Our First Wake-Up In Our New Home!

It's crazy! I spent most of yesterday cleaning and still have a LOOOONG way to go. It's a chaotic "moving in" mess. Oh, and we technically broke shelter rules for the first time last night by not sleeping there, oh darn!

You guys, we have a home! It's still so surreal!!!

Thank you @abigscheit and hubby for helping us get stuff from the shelter to here!!


The above is currently my favorite spot in the house. 💜


No beds yet. This mess is the morning after sleeping in a nest of blankets, lol!


Our living/dining areas.


Got a couple books out after clearing all the gross from the built-in shelves.


I scrubbed this kitchen with a cloth last night. I need an army and about a million scrubbies and maybe some heavy-duty bleach to finish the job.

That's it for now! We have some more stuff to grab from the shelter and next week sometime our beds and other durniture will arrive. So excited! And Hiro will be coming home this weekend! Eeeee!!!!

Thanks for reading! Love to you all!!!


Yay!! I am so freaking happy for you and your tribe!! What a crazy 3 weeks it has been <3
You are one strong momma. This is the best. Congrats on this new journey <3 xoxo

For us it has been months, lol. We were at the shelter from the first week of November until now. Yuck! It's all over now!

Great way to end the winter!! I am truly happy for you guys. I hope you get some really good sleeps <3

It's such a fantastic feeling sleeping in a new home for the first night - even without beds, especially when it's such an upgrade. I bet you were sleeping very well.

Enjoy it while you can. In some months you'll probably have comfty beds, but there is nothing special anymore, sleeping in the house has become normal :-)

That's fantastic! Glad you all have a place to go now.

Thank you! Me too! It was so quiet last night. Definitely a welcome change from the insanity of the shelter!

Kitchen already looks quite clean on the photo ... though the problem may be with my eyes :-)

It's photographic nonsense I tell you! Lol

A lot of it is touch. It feels grimy and greasy.

What will you do with the camper now? Is the rent affordable? When you say you've technically broken the rules at the shelter, does that mean you haven't fully moved out yet? Is the tap water potable?

The camper is being recycled. We officially have everything out of the shelter as of this afternoon. The water is potable, but I won't drink it. It tastes awful.

Too much chlorine then I suppose.

We've been living a bit in St.Petersburg, the water from the tap should in theory be potable, but nobody in their right mind drinks it anyway without boiling it first. Still, on my first visits there it was pretty rare to buy drinking water in the shops. The Russians were drinking tea, beer, juice, champagne or vodka, but rarely water - and eventually they would boil water and cool it down for the rare occasion that anyone would desire to drink water. Things have changed quite much during the last two decades.

We installed a water filter and a separate tap for drinking water, I think we probably saved the installation cost in me not buying drinking water from the shop anymore. There was of course other aspects as well, as always having drinking water available, the health-benefit of drinking less beer and more water, not having to drag the water from the shop, etc.

Often simple coal filtering will do to kill bad taste from the water, this can be done very cheaply.

Yes! @abigscheit mentioned a filter as well, a great idea and saves on plastic as well!

I use Pur filters, and noticed the last time I went to buy refills that they have a new model that removes lead (the old models do not). Of course they are more expensive. But I also noted that something the old model says it removes was not on the new model list (I don't remember what now). Maybe check online for a water report for your county so you can choose the best filter?

I'm so happy for you! Looks like a good, cute, little house. <3


I'm so excited and happy for you guys! I know it needs cleaning, but it's yours and it's home! Hooray! 😃

I am SO excited to see this! YAY for you and your family! Continued blessings to you all!

Congratulations!!!! May God bless you even more!!!

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