Today turned out much different than I anticipated

in #homeless7 years ago (edited)


Aaron's Story Iteration 1

Today I woke up, had to drop my car at the shop and I was about to do that and come back home to work on the digital side of the business for Sharing Society. But I had a feeling that kept me from leaving. Something told me to slowdown, even though I slept in without an alarm and didn't have a set time I had to show up with my car.

Of course serendipity struck again. All a sudden P and T show up at my house, which is normally not cool because I don't live alone and the people around me don't like people from the streets showing up here even though I know them. But T I had seen just days before, helped with some errands like going to the DMV to register a vehicle. P however, was someone I had not seen in weeks. S/he is like a magnet. Either strongly attracting or repelling people. Unfortunately increasing the drama around him/her. I can handle it fine, but some people do not understand the advanced spiritual aspects of discussion that come up around this person, and it was such a volatile time in my life as well as theirs when they last left the scene. There are plenty of stories about that that will be told later and I assure you will be exciting if not shocking.

So, you can guess now that I didn't really get home to work until now. And my work has turned into writing this piece of this adventure building Sharing Society in my region. Apologies for the esoteric aspect of this writing, more details will be revealed later when the time is right and names are withheld to protect the wonderful people I've been meeting every day who civilization has labelled as outcasts or relegated to the dark corners of society.

First when I see them I have a bit of awkwardness, but it quickly fades. First I've never seen these two quite together in this fashion; it appears traveling and being support for each other out there recently. At one time I was sort of the support for P as well as to a small extend to T, but we always help each other and learn from each other. That's a good enough reason to still be out there (meeting people from the streets), to keep learning the fascinating (and sometimes scary, but sometimes liberating) lifestyles and some would say more importantly: How to help and relate to them to find places to fit back into society at large.

So I had few tasks to complete, so did they so after I let P get some clothes back I was holding for him/her and we set off on task to see if something could be pawned for any cash, with something of theirs and a few things of mine, disappointingly nothing was worthy for this pawn shop. I go to drop something off with another person living homeless, and then we think of what to do next. We search out for a part for T's automobile that was just registered. During this whole time it felt like a nice calm day, I was actually enjoying the direction it headed rather than staying sort of boringly working at home; there are plenty more days in the week to do that. And we're almost waiting on our web programmer to be ready to build the next step of the website.

One great idea I had to bring awareness and marketing to this whole shtick is to have these persons out there record their life, or I film them explaining their story. I come to learn P just starting doing this on their own already! During the weeks s/he were gone I had thought of this a lot and, what do you know the stars align again. So I get them to share the video files with me in exchange for helping pay part of a room for the night so they don't have to sleep camping out in the field or bushes or whatknot.

Never a dull moment. I was enjoying this daycation, decided to take them to the movies and of course they're down. They don't get to do that often. It was a hot day and we also needed to get away from the heat. Though in the theater it was cold enough to use a blanket in there. I saw them both falling asleep during it but it was still a nice experience. I drop them off at a room and I take some time to enjoy the pool & Jacuzzi myself before it closed. Neither of them have working phones. T had one for literally a day or two but it was stolen like what always happens out there. Oh, forgot to mention P said they walked like 65 miles in a day or two. Holy cow.

Sometimes a break away from the daily grind is such a relief. Whether we're houseless or homeful.

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