I’m extremely blessed/fortunate/whatever you want to call it.
Not only that I recently reached a position where pretty much all my major life problems have currently been handled so I have some (very little) free time.
I’m thinking about creating a charity/social media channel that aims to help get homeless people off the streets and back into a normal life. It would not only seek to help, but also do follow up stories on people who have gone through the process. (30 days, 180 days, 1 year, 5 year updates, etc…)
The goal is to help minimize the people who are homeless by focusing on those who can pull themselves out of homelessness if they really try. My org would simply help those people get over those initial humps that keep them in homelessness.
I’m in a position to fund it myself until it starts receiving additional external funds and/or YouTube ad revenue.
I don’t need more money, it would all be reinvested back into the venture.