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RE: The fall into Homelessness.

in #homeless7 years ago

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.



You are AMAZING! Thank you for being fundamental in building supportive community on the Steem Blockchain so everyone who has gone through these terrifying circumstances, and is going through them now, can grow stronger knowing they are not alone! I have so much hope because of you all!! <3 <3 <3

Keep up the great work! I will always support YOU and all of the victims being terrorized by "child protection agencies".

Thank you @lyndsaybowes!
With tears in my eyes and a raging feeling in my heart! We have to help this family, I personally will do what I can, And I hope the rest of the @familyprotection community are behind me.

What do you say People?

Sure Mark, I just sent her 10 Steem, not much I know, but if more people could do that, the family could be helped.
I have also brought it to the attention of ecotrain in our slack group, we have some passengers in the US, let´s see if they can come up with something to help.

I believe the @familyprotection community is behind you, Well I am strongly behind you Mark. Heading over to my wallet!

Awesome that Steemians can help.

Can you help everyone though? What about Delusional Landlords and more verbal agreements?

Yes, we will always get everything in writing from now on. What a MESS!!

that one way to deal with "cps" are the cartel ways: they want to take your children away, take their lives. it's an attrition play, the more lethal wins. and so when a cps thugs invade an home he will never know if at the same time his family is being nailed on his own home walls. in the world we are living in war and violence are the only answer. remember their salary depends on taking your children away, how much would have they to be paid if they knew the outcome of crossing this door?

there is a story of a tree and refreshment... how does it goes?

Thank you so very much for your help, it is amazing.

if it's any help to you, our thoughts are with you and you have an incredibly courageous heart: we are in this all together, good luck

so sorry to hear that you had to go through this experience. it actually reminds me a bit of @arbitrarykitten's story, "10 Things I Learned From Being Homeless".

this is really so great work proud to have you on steemit buddy keep helping families out there i hope your comment could get 100000$ so there would be home for poor people and homeless families even with little rent they can have roof upside there heads .. lots of love ..

I do tend to believe the intention and purpose with the CPAs around the world is good. I know almost nothing about the US CPA, but I have had some experiences with the Norwegian child protection authorities (barnevernet) - both first hand, second hand and through media reports. Let me assume for a while that this applies to "CPA"s everywhere. Some thoughts:

  • We only hear about one side of the story - when some parents tell their version to the media, they can claim anything and hide whatever. The government officials have no rights to comment on the cases. I believe that at least here in Norway, a child would not be taken away from the parents without a very good reason (usually violence, alcoholism or drug abuse). Whenever there are cases like this in the media, probably there are some dark secrets that we haven't heard of. Even close friends may hide or understate their darkest secrets. Truth is, some people simply aren't fit for being parents - and they may not even realize it themselves.

  • Perhaps in most of the cases the agency does the right thing, in some few cases they do really terrible things, destroying families and only making things worse for the children they are supposed to protect. Of course, only the worst examples gets through to the media, so when reading stories ... one is to believe the CPA is all bad and nothing good. (every now and then there are also cases reported in the media where the CPA absolutely should have intervened, but didn't - in the hindsight it's always easy to point out that someone haven't been doing their job).

  • Quite some of the employees at the CPA are young ladies, without any life experience and without any parental experience. They may do terrible things, still believing they do what is best for the child.

  • Children have very different personalities. There has been a report in media recently here in Norway - and it's our experience as well - that the threshold for personnel in schools and kindergardens to file a report with the CPA is very low for children that are outside the "normal" (i.e. ADHD), this can cause conflicts and problems.

  • Cultural differences - what one party may think is completely OK may be very not-OK for someone else. On the extreme, there are quite many immigrants here in Norway that thinks it's completely ok to spank naughty children ... but that's an extreme no-no here in Norway, if there is a significant risk that the child may get spanked it will be taken away from its parents. I'd actually side with the CPA in such cases, that's not the way to raise children ... at least not in Norway! Weather it's OK to live in a caravan or not, that may also be sort of a "cultural difference". In this case, I'd side completely with the poster, as long as the children are healthy and happy, it's completely OK to live in a mobile home! It even looks very cozy from the pictures!

  • The CPA does have a quite awkward job after all - damned if they do, damned if they don't. The solid evidence is often missing, but still they have to do what they believe is the best for the children. It's for sure not a good situation.

  • Bureaucrazy! (misspelling intended). Create a simple rule like ... "parents need to be registered with a permanent address of residence", and cases can be decided without involving belief, feelings or personal opinions ... it also saves time, effort and taxpayers money, it's not even needed to visit the family and check how they are living. Unfortunately such rules does not always make sense, and there may be many reasons why the rules don't fit everyone (in Norway we even have natives that have been living a nomadic lifestyle for a countless number of generations ... still, one is very much supposed to be living permanently on one address in this country, particularly if having children).

Do you really think that this post of an obvious abuse of power, and a family put in despair by this wretched system, is THE PLACE to give your very LONG comment about how great the system is? Jeesh.
If you really want to discuss this do so on another @familyprotection post where a debate on these issues would be more appropriate.
You are not respecting this poor mother and her children.

I agree with you about that

Do you really think that this post of an obvious abuse of power, and a family put in despair by this wretched system, is THE PLACE to give your very LONG comment about how great the system is? Jeesh.

If you read my comment that way, I think you should read it again. In this case I absolutely side with the poster.

The post was about a family put in despair - but the part about being harassed by the CPA was just a small part of it all - and the poster got through with it. Still the most upvoted and visible comment on this post is one attacking the CPAs around the world. That's also not quite right in my opinion.

I absolutely believe there is a lot of wrongdoings done by the CPAs of the world, but still there may be a need for such agencies.

CPS all over the country- gets PAID a BONUS for each child they take away! They are not incentivize to keep families together.

There are numerous cases of CPS across the nation- involved in CHILD SEX PEDOPHILE RINGS!

CPS is a corrupt criminal racket. I believe you are like the majority who just don't realize it yet because you were raised believing that the system was put into place for a good reason. I was almost, sort of, in the same boat-- and almost, sort of, used to believe the same thing.

Not everyone is a kind hearted person. The agencies; enabled by the personal choices of their employees are vile, and there is plenty of evidence to support the fact. You could start with looking into Former Senator Nancy Schaefer's work if you truly want to comprehend what is happening on a large scale all over the world right now with these agencies. I've seen it myself, so I know. Brick by brick they are isolating families in a methodical manner so that the masses won't put two and two together in time to help eachother. There's a lot of documentary work on the horrors being perpetrated by these agencies. If you really believe what you have said above, I would implore you to look a little deeper into the issue. I'm not trying to offend anyone (unless you steal babies for pedo's for a living) with this comment, but we've been lied to people. It's about control, domination, and is part of that big picture everyone is trying to suss out. The dots are all there to be connected.

CPS is a corrupt criminal racket.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's a case in some countries, with commercial entities running big orphanages and bribing officials. In other countries and time periods, maybe the CPS is abused for political control, i.e. targeting parents by their political views. I wouldn't be surprised if "someone told us the parents are socialists" would be sufficient reason for the US CPA to react under the McCarthy age. But if you're implying that all the CPSes around the world has some kind of shared agenda ... then I must say, that do sound like one of the more crazy conspiracy theories to me.

Parkinson's law may be relevant though, any bureaucratic organization do have some internal growth pressure.

The agencies; enabled by the personal choices of their employees are vile, and there is plenty of evidence to support the fact.

Such a system can only be based either on personal opinions from their employees or on stupid rules (like "you must be registered on a permanent address of living"), both things may be equally bad - yet, what are the alternatives? While for some the obvious answer would be "kill the whole agency", I do believe it's important with such an agency; children do have rights, and they are not able to look after their rights all by themselves.

Hi I ask that you check out my blog. I was ripped from my family at the age of 12 and never returned. so I spent my teenage years in foster care. I know many others that had the same life. As an adult I became a foster parent wanting to help out and found even more corruption. Than I became a Guardian Ad Litem and got to know the system even more. So I have made it my mission to spread awareness of what exactly CPS is and why I call it a beast. Like for instance 61% of the cases children are removed from their home are considered Neglect and not abuse. Neglect is a VERY wide category and is VERY open to interpretation. Please go check out my current posts and some of my past posts and you will see all the information I have laid out so far. And there is much more that I plan on telling.

I downvoted this comment, I don't agree with the reward you gave yourself for it

Fair enough

This is exactly what happened to me. Mom sold weed to get by, got caught, and me and my brother went through the system. I was heavily medicated and cant remember most of my childhood.

I never understood the desire to medicate kids in the USA. In Europe medicine use is a fraction, I can't imagine our kids have more ''adhd''.

All for the Money and Gangster Corporations.

I am so sorry. Do you think the people responsible for this deserve to pay? they breath co2...

like you...

Ok. What does that have to do with anything?

I agree the opinion of adan @familyprotection. How much better would our children be treated themselves?
what if the foster parent or auxiliary,
then the character of our child will be affected as foster carpenters.
because our children are more valuable than possessions.
Thank you @hickorymack for your great post for protecting your family.
I love it.

Thank you @familyprotection and thank you @hickorymack for being brave enough to share your story. It's very true the theme that many people are just one check /one disaster away from situations like yours. Hopefully you will bounce back and also be an inspiration to others.

is there a theory on why this is?

This story really touched deep inside of my soul. I shudder at the fact that this can happen to anyone of us.

Can you imagine a simple car accident can change someone's lives so quickly?

Hey @hickorymack you are shining example of a real woman, mother, solider.

Hang in there with all your might, you will find a way. You will have a home for your family again..

Your dreams are much closer to you than you think!!

Thanks for sharing this story with us @familyprotection

so true!!!

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