The World Is Now Preparing For The Economic Transition - Episode 1645a

in #home-sales6 years ago

Existing home sales tumble, home buying sentiment as hit all time lows. Russia, China, Turkey and many other countries are moving away from the dollar system, they are preparing for the economic transition. Russia dumps more gold and ramps up on gold purchases, Russia is becoming self sufficient. Germany has reported that they should pursue their own payment system just like China and Russia an not be dependent on the US based system.


Brings back bad memories of 2005,6,7,8. I can't convince anyone that a collapse is coming. Chicago is brainwashed , hypnotized, and dumbed down

They just do not care or their to busy to the system. No time to think or analyze.

The Opiate crisis along with violent video games and slum conditions are the direct causes of much of the violence in the ghettos of Chicago. This, plus electro-magnetic soup and Facebook dopamine completes the recipe for disaster!

Great work X22report. The economic system is unfolding exactly the way I imagined it would.

Great report Dave. 2008 is repeating itself.

He only has to the end of the year to start arresting mother fuckers❗️

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