Beyond The DaVinci Code: In Search Of The Holy Grail

in #holygrail8 years ago

Yesterday I posted a video about the Holy Grail to a friend's comment and watched it again (for about the 3rd time) myself. It raises the question, is there a Holy Grail and if so, what is it? By now nearly everyone has seen the movie, The DaVinci Code and knows the backstory...that the Grail is in fact the womb of Mary Magdalene which contained the bloodline of Jesus. Fact or fiction? Let's take a two-pronged approach.

First, was the Grail a cup? We know from the Gospels that Jesus said something to the effect: "Take this cup and drink, this is my blood." A very wise man once told me that, "a spiritual man is a practical man." Because this is a spiritual issue, let's take a practical approach. What kind of cup would Jesus be drinking from. Because we know that Jesus was a simple man and not wealthy, the cup was not likely to have been made of gold or silver encrusted with precious or semiprecious stones. What at that point in history did people drink from? I don't actually know, but an educated guess would be earthenware. Probably something similar to terra cotta. What would the likelihood of an earthenware cup surviving 2000 years be? I'm afraid, almost nil. So, although we can assume that there was a cup at the Last Supper, therefore a "Grail," it is almost certainly lost to posterity.

The second approach to the story is the one set forth by Dan Brown in The DaVinci Code. He, among others, asserts that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and that they had a child (a girl) and there is a bloodline that exists to today. One point of evidence given is the painting of The Last Supper, by Leonardo DaVinci. In particular, a feminine looking figure sitting at the right hand of Jesus. One fact that jumped out at me (and was apparently lost on our intrepid investigators in the film) was that it was a artist's interpretation of the Last Supper, not a photograph. Brown apparently based his book on "evidence" provided in another book, Holy Blood- Holy Grail.

Tony Robinson, known in the UK for his TV series The Time Team, set out to investigate the claims, both in Brown's book and in Holy Blood-Holy Grail, as well as the possibility of the Grail being a cup...with some very interesting results.


@berniesanders will crash the price of Steem

Thanks for your really means a lot!

I've been busy and haven't sat down to watch this yet.

SO...I won't comment on the Holy Blood, Holy Grail argument yet.

[Edited: One thing to mention that the about DaVinci painting is that DaVinci's "participation" as some sort of a "Grand Master" in a secret cult passing down the knowledge of the bloodline is this...that entire secret cult was a hoax "masterminded" by a French conman by the name of Pierre Plantard]

I think, IIRC. that the Brown position was some sort of feminist supercharging of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail argument.

With the leftist assault on Christianity, I could see how any historical inquiry into Christ's life could be seen as a continuation of that attack.

I know, the video unmasks that and a lot of other stuff.

I think I'll sit down and watch it now then ;> Mostly waiting for other things to happen now anyway!

I don't know if you're familiar with Tony Robinson or not...he's great, he has a really wry, sarcastic sense of humor. After I watched this video, I started watching the Time Team.

I think I've seen him before in other docs

all these British people look the same to me LOL

I know...balding with bad teeth lol!

Good watch...thanks for referencing it!

Glad you liked it, I thought you would. How about a resteem (if you think any of your friends would enjoy it)

You can go to Tibet and see the place where Jesus and Mary were buried.

Please research the real Indiana Jones (aka Ron Wyatt). I mentioned him in my Top 10 Crazy Things I Believe are True blog. The Holy Grail is the Ark of the Covenant (throne of God) which holds the tablets of the 10 commandments within it. It was one of the last things he discovered in the land of Israel before he passed away. He informed the Israeli government about it back in the 90's, after being permitted to excavate near the Garden Tomb, and it's been kept under wrap since.

I'll check it out. I saw a documentary claiming that the Ark was in an Ethiopian church...should prove interesting! Just found a video on Y-Tube about it!

The Ethiopian theory originated from the same people that started the "DaVinci Code" thing. Ron Wyatt is the real deal. Please check him out. Remember, if Ron did indeed find what he says he did, it will be considered one of the BIGGEST discoveries in the history of mankind. Because of this fact, expect much disinformation from the other camp.

WOW!!! I've just got done watching 3 hrs of Ron. First I watched a 1 1/2 hr talk in New Zealand (he gave a very powerful testimony for the Lord). Then an hour of the actual dig where he found the Ark. Then 1/2 hr of his deathbed confession. What a truly remarkable man and a fine Christian...I can't thank you enough. I think I'll do something on this tomorrow...I have to let God "talk" to me about it.

Glory to God!

Amen Brother!

i dont mind a good dan brown book! (davinci code) have u read it?

Great book and an equally good movie. But it's fiction and a lot of people seem to have a difficulty understanding that.

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