Are you ready for Holybread? | Log in now for a special gift!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #holybread5 years ago (edited)

We are happy to inform you that our pre-registration is open now for everyone and the official start of Holybread will be on January 27th 2020. Meanwhile you can buy a special hero on an auction. Find out how it works and why this might be something you would want to do in this post.


Pre-registration is open now

Now what does that mean? Everyone of you is now able to log in on You won’t be able to choose your starter hero however you will have access to your personal referral link that you can share and invite people to the game. Make sure to grab your pre-registration gift now! Everyone who logs in before the official start on January 27th will receive this special gift. Once you are logged in a window will pop up and you will see what it is. Close that popup and you will see two boxes, each one shows a countdown. The box on the left shows the countdown for the start of the Holybread server on January 27th 2020. The box on the right shows the start of the next hero auction. Last but not least you will see your referral link which you are able to use to gain 5% lifetime revenue on all bread purchases (premium currency). You will notice that the game menu is not accessible except for the two buttons “Auction” and “Rankings”. If you click on the “Rankings” button, a list of all registered users will show up.


  • Pre Registration is open now!
  • Log in before January 27th 2020 to receive a special gift!
  • You can use your referral link!
  • You are able to take part in the auctions for unique and powerful heroes!

Now let’s have a closer look at auctions..


Epic and legendary hero auctions

One hour from now (on January 6 th 2020 11 PM UTC+1) special hero auctions will start. You will be able to bid on one male and one female legendary hero of each class (archer, mage and warrior) and two epic male and two epic female of those classes. You will be able to find legendary or epic heroes on quests later in the game, but the heroes at the auctions will have stronger buffs. So they are unique and very powerful.

If you decide to bid on a hero, all you need to do is to click on the “Bid” button. A popup will appear and you have to type in your bid and click “BID”. Only full numbers of STEEM are accepted (no decimal numbers).

Every winner of an auction receives his/her hero right at the start of Holybread (27th January 2020). Once you log in to the game you will be able to equip your special hero and send him on a quest. You will also have to create a starter hero like everyone who logs in for the very first time, but you will find your epic or legendary hero in your hero inventory.

50% of the STEEM we earn from the auctions will be added to the prize pool.
If you want to read more about the auctions you can click on the info button that says “Learn more” on the top of the auction site.


What happens on January 27 th 2020?

On January 27 th 2020 at 8 PM UTC+1, after all auctions have come to an end, Holybread will officially launch! You will be able to pick your starter hero and start right into the game.
We are looking forward to welcome you to Holybread!

You haven't heard about Holybread yet? Read this post to find out what it is all about.

Have a look at the FAQs to learn more about the game.

Join us on discord to always be updated.


Hey there! Would you like to share Holybread on

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good idea.
... and on State of the DApps, DAppReview and

Hi Oli.
Es gibt schon wieder Probleme. Seit etwa heute Mittag (7.1.2020) geht zwar der Login noch mit Keychain, aber danach fliege ich wieder raus, wenn ich irgend eine Aktion in NC starte. Ein Klick auf z.B. Skills wirft mich raus.
Wahrscheinlich sitzt ihr schon dran. Ich wollte das nur auf alle Fälle gemeldet haben.

Das war ein Problem seitens SteemConnect, es sind aktuell wohl einige Nodes unzuverlässig und das bereitet denen Probleme. Das wurde heute Morgen jedoch von @fabien behoben. (:

Edit: Keychain läuft bei uns aktuell über SteemConnect, d.h. wenn SteemConnect ausfällt, ist auch Keychain betroffen. Das müssen wir wohl separat einbinden.

Danke Oliver. Nun gehts ja wieder. Zum Glück muss man bei NextColony sowieso mehr warten, als klicken. Daher ist es nicht so schlimm, wenn mal was nicht geht.

Ich will mit SteemConnect nichts zu tun haben. Daher setze ich Keychain ein und daher habe ich auch keinen Curation Bot am Start, weil die alle mit SteemConnect laufen.

Diese Beschreibung habe ich vor einem Jahr formuliert:

"A wonderful, chaotic, humorous and non hectic science fiction fairy tale in pixel art style. This decentralized game built on the Steem blockchain will change your life, rescue Steem and make this environment the most imaginative place in the entire universe."

Es ist kein 'fairy tale' oder 'pixel art style' geworden und wenig 'humorous', dafür erheblich strategischer als ursprünglich angenommen. Es ist 'wonderful', zweifelsohne 'chaotic' und am allermeisten 'non hectic'.

Ich fange an zu ahnen, wie es läuft und Next Colony ist schon am Anfang sehr komplex, obwohl ich noch gar keine Mission starten kann. Steem retten kann das Spiel ganz sicher. Das halte ich für durchaus möglich. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit platt geschossen zu werden ist allerdings auch vorhanden. Man muss genau schauen, mit wem man sich anlegt und warum. Ist derjenige vielleicht in irgend einer Allianz, von der ich nichts weiß, etc.

Der Stardustcoinmarkt funktioniert und wenn man es schafft zu wachsen, reifen Werte heran, die gehandelt werden. Das Spiel ist wirklich sehr interessant. Wer allerdings Wackelmännchen mit Supersound und Grafik erwartet, wird enttäuscht sein. Aber du bist ja erst bei Beta. Da kann noch viel kommen.

Respekt, lieber Oliver.

Eierlegende Wollmilchsau ist nicht, die von dir formulierte Beschreibung trifft es genau. Du hast wunderbar Stärken und Schwächen aufgezeigt. Die Orientierung war lange OGame, aber davon konnten wir uns - dank Jaruniks genialem Kopf - vor einer Weile absetzen. NextColony wird immer ein Nischenprodukt sein, soviel ist klar, aber dank OGame wissen wir, das diese Nische nicht soo klein ist, wie man vllt. denken mag.

Thanks for mentioning all of them. We will share Holybread today.

I got 20 breads, but I'm afraid they will rot before January 27... Why does it take so long?

Hahaha ... Well said about the breads.

Dear @holybread

Great to see that you're planning to start on 27th. I wonder how succesful your game will be.

Last but not least you will see your referral link which you are able to use to gain 5% lifetime revenue on all bread purchases (premium currency).

5% is surely a fair incentive for those who bring new users into holybread.

However I have one important question: from what I understood you guys decided that you will reward those who bring new users with bread, which cannot be sold/exchanged to steem. Is that correct?
(example: If someone buys 100 bread you will receive 5 bread).

That kind of "kills" any real reason to promote holybread with ref-link. Let's say that I would invite 100 users and 30 of them would decide to play and spent some steem within the game.

Receiving small but constant revenue of bread would not have much value since I would have more bread coming to my account than I can possibly use.

Plus: aren't you removing possibility of your community to earn part of real revenue? There would be way more people willing to bring new users and even teach them to play if they could earn some steem on the way. Especially those who wouldn't play any more - they would receive 5% lifetime revenue on all breat purchases in form of bread - which would already means nothing to them since they stopped playing and cannot really do much with it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong,
Yours, Piotr

There are enough possiblities to spend even unlimited amounts of bread. It can help to boost your ingame progress and help you to earn more on our profit share. You could also earn by selling your heroes and items to other players. With more bread you could potentially get more (better) items.
We want active players to promote the game. If you are an active player you will be able to convert those breads into more STEEM in the end.

Using the ref link will only benefit those who are actively participating in the game itself.

Well, I am not convinced at all that the% is a discount for the purchase of Bread, but I understand that what they want is to encourage players to buy within the system.

I admit that I would have liked more% of "Breadcrumbs" of each player that comes to the game for my reference, that would be more attractive to me and if I did not misunderstand the dynamics of the game, the generated Steem depended on the crumbs collected in the missions and in the P2P fights of the Arena (if I am wrong, please someone to correct me).

Thank you for prompt reply @holybread

I'm sorry to hear that this is how you're planning to structure your ref-link program @holybread :(

I've some decent experience as marketer - I've seen many ref-link programs failing and succeding.

And one thing I've learned is that providing ref-link owners with utility token, which cannot be traded and can only be used within it's token economy.

It also means, that 'lifetime revenue' sounds in this case like 'you earn as long as you use our services'. And it is quite discouraging.

I've seen it many times before and usually after initial smaller or larger success - people lose their interest with ref links and promoting product.

I really can only hope that you will reconsider and look at ref-link program from perspective of your users.


@crypto.piotr: one way or another, we all need bread to feed us everyday, isn't it?

I'm on low carb diet now. So no bread for me :)

... I might have to add a keto bread to the bakery then... :D

Dear @crypto.piotr:

Reference link systems have demonstrated functionality. I can assume this because most of the current platforms use this mechanism.
The idea is that each member use their personal link to invite and bring new users to the platform. For doing this then we receive a reward.

Holy Bread established a 5% reward for purchases made by new users that we can bring to the platform (using our personal link). It seems fair to me.

What I see that worries you is the phrase: "lifetime".
Initially this sounds like something very attractive.

Receiving small but constant revenue of bread would not have much value since I would have more bread coming to my account than I can possibly use.

Why do you think you can't use that bread?
I just read the reply message from @holybread where it tells you that:

If you are an active player you will be able to convert those breads into more STEEM in the end.

Then there is the possibility of receiving Steem if you no longer want to improve your Heroes or if you plan to withdraw from the game.

From my perspective I think this system could work well.

Your friend, Juan.

Thanks for your comment @juanmolina

Then there is the possibility of receiving Steem if you no longer want to improve your Heroes or if you plan to withdraw from the game.

Meaning? If you want to stop playing game or stop improving your heros, then you will simply have more and more bread within the game. That's about it.

From my understanding, you will receive some steem only if you're playing the game pretty much non-stop and you're on top of the rank. If you stop playing then your ranking will quickly drop and by the end of the game your rewards will be very little.

Let's put it the other way:
Imagine if we would be rewarded on Steemit for posting quality content in STEEM, which could be only purchased (same as bread can) but cannot be sold/traded. How many current users would ever care about that steem? Probably we would have just a small % of current users still around.

Anyway, I can only hope that won't be another missed opportunity :( They have interesting product and small but solid team and I absolutely wish them well. I've seen enough ref-links programs in the past to see what kind of incentives users are looking for. And receiving utility token (bread) which cannot be traded to other crypto doesn't sound encouraging. Unfortunatelly.


Hello dear @crypto.piotr.

For me it sounds like a referral program more, that is, more of the same, however, the idea of all this seems to be to keep you trapped in the game economy, and thus keep the interest in the bread.

I think if in the end, like all the tokens associated with the chain you can turn them into steem, the proposal is fine, after all this is a business and the developers seek to make a profit.

The discussion would be if it is possible that those responsible for promoting the game through referral links, can get better profits for their work.

For life, it sounds great!

Hi, buddy.

I guess the strategy they propose in the game is to invest within the game and not just earn a real income, this way you have more opportunities at the beginning of the game to get more items and benefits and as it says @holybread, you can win by selling items and players. Using the tools that the game gives you will get your profits.

Stay in touch :)

@dotwin1981 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@dotwin1981 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

Ich muss zugeben, ich war bisher noch nie SO stark auf ein Steem-Projekt gehyped wie auf eures! :)

EDIT: Sprecht ihr überhaupt deutsch? Ich hab ein paar deutsche Kommentare gesehen, weiß aber garnicht ob ihr die auch versteht? ^^

excuse me?
:D ja wir sind tatsächlich deutsch sprachig. ich freu mich sehr dass du gehyped bist :D

Ich kenne da wem, der sich schon sehr darauf freut, der schreibt hier eben diesen Comment. :D

!BEER !trdo !MARLIANS !invest_vote

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A pre-registration gift for early adopters? Yes, please! Can't wait until the official launch!

Wen muss ich bestechen, das hier eine schöne Headergrafik erscheint?


Hey @holybread, here is a little bit of BEER from @dotwin1981 for you. Enjoy it!

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