How To Become A Shining Grail Knight? Holy Day 11. Contemplation on right speech.
Inspiration is to be gripped by the godly example.
Grail by Nina Sombart
To become a grail knight one must learn to speak right. It is a training in authentic and original and heart-felt speech, which holds at its golden cupping heart: peace. The knight rides his horse with silent alertness.
The training means
- To suspend judgment, criticism, cynicism
- To ward against bad habits, trite remarks or casual cusses.
- Undergo mockery and sharp tongues if need be. Rather act the fool than the smart-alec.
- To refrain from gossip .
- Don't complain, explain, be argumentative or feign politeness
- Selfmastery is to aspire like a singing lark (=Aluade = Al+Aude= high+song- Celtic)
The Lark Ascending, by Vaughn Williams
Rainer Maria Rilke:
Sonnet 7, First Part
Praising, that's it! One appointed to praising,
he came like the ore forth from the stone's
silence. His heart, o ephemeral press
of a wine that for men is unending.
His voice never flags in the dust,
when the godly example grips him.
Everything turns to vineyard, to grape,
ripened in his sentient South.
. . .
He is one of the staying messengers,
who still holds far into the doors of the dead
bowls with fruits worthy of praise.
Suggested Reading:
- Speech of the Grail by Linda Sussman
- Der Gral und seine Hüter by Rudolf Meyer
- Or re-told/illustrated by David Newbatt in: Parzival: The Quest for the Holy Grail
- The trilogy by Dante, try Clive James's translation for Inferno, for something different.
- Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach
- The Alchemical Wedding by Christian Rosenkreuz
Enjoy the vote and reward!