Hollow Earth and Gods of the UNDERWORLD?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #hollowearth8 years ago

History and ancient mythology tell strange yet consistent stories all over the world, these strange stories usually consist of god like creatures guiding mankind, these creatures are sometimes thought to have come from the heavens sometimes they are thought to come from the underworld.

The hollow earth theory is a theory put forth by Edmond Halley in 1692, he believed that earth had a hollow shell that was about 500 miles thick. He believed earth also had two inner concentric shells and an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury. He believed that atmospheres separate these shells, and each shell has its own magnetic poles.. Halley proposed this scheme in order to explain abnormal compass readings.

I declare the earth is hollow, and habitable within; containing a number of solid -- spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles 12 or 16 degrees; I pledge my life in support of this truth, and am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking. ”
— John Cleves Symmes, Jr., Symmes' Circular No. 1

Sceptics argue that studies of seismic waves is different to what they would expect from a hollow earth others claim gravity and the density of the planet also do not line up with a hollow earth.
It is assumed that the Earth is filled with solid rock (mantle and crust), liquid nickel-iron alloy (outer core), and solid nickel-iron (inner core). But the truth is the deepest hole drilled to date is only 12,376 meters deep so human knowledge of what lies beneath us is limited to say the least.
Many parts of the ancient world believed that the earth was hollow and occupied with strange creatures and gods.

The Nagas of ancient India were believed to have emerged in ancient times from a subterranean land inside the earth. There are legends from the Taíno people that their ancestors emerged in ancient times from two caves in a mountain underground.
In ancient Greek mythology Hades is the God of the underworld, Zeus managed to force his father to disgorge his siblings after Cronus had eaten them in fear of being killed by one of them as prophesied, After their release the six gods, along with the allies they managed to gather, challenged the elder gods for power in the Titanomachy, it was a divine war. After a ten year war the younger gods were victorious. Hades and two of his brothers, Poseidon and Zeus, drew lots for realms to rule. Zeus got the sky, Poseidon got the seas, and Hades received the underworld, a unseen realm in which the souls of the dead go upon leaving the world. The underworld is said to be a dark place, with souls of the dead wondering around aimlessly and confused.

Hades was also described as being either at the outer bounds of the ocean or beneath the depths or ends of the earth. It was the dark counterpart to the brightness of Mount Olympus, the kingdom of the dead
Persephone was the daughter of Demeter the goddess of the harvest, she was abducted by Hades who desired a wife, When Persephone was gathering flowers, she was entranced by a narcissus flower planted by Gaia (to lure her to the Underworld as a favor to Hades), upon picking the flower the earth suddenly opened up. Hades, appeared in a golden chariot and carried Persephone into the underworld. When her father Demeter found out that Zeus had given Hades permission to abduct Persephone and take her as a wife, Demeter became enraged at Zeus and stopped growing harvests for the earth. Zeus sent Hermes to the Underworld to take Persephone back to her mother. However, she ate 6 pomegranate seeds and therefore she was forever tied to the underworld, as the pomegranate seed was sacred to the underworld.
The Erinyes are three goddesses associated with the souls of the dead and the underworld they focus on avenged crimes against the natural order of the world. They consist of Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. They were particularly concerned with crimes done by children against their parents such as murder and unfilial conduct. These goddesses are said to be feared by the living The Erinyes were dreaded by the living because they embodied the vengeance of the person that was wronged against his wrongdoer.
In ancient Greece Tartarus is both and deity and a place, the place is the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of pain torment and suffering for the most wicked and as the prison for the Titans. Tartarus is understood to be as far below Hades as the earth is below the heavens.

The book of Enoch states that God placed the archangel Uriel "in charge of the world and of Tartarus" Tartarus is generally understood to be the place where the 200 fallen angels (or the watchers) are imprisoned.
In Celtic mythology there is a legend of a cave called "Cruachan," it’s known as "Ireland's gate to Hell," a mythical and ancient cave from which according to legend strange creatures would emerge in ancient times and be seen on the surface of the earth. There are also tales of medieval knights and saints who went on pilgrimages to a cave located in Station Island, County Donegal in Ireland, where they made journeys inside the earth into a place of purgatory.
Tuatha Dé Danann translates to the tribe of the gods, are a race of supernaturally-gifted people in Irish mythology. They are thought to represent the main deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland. They are generally depicted as kings, queens and heroes of the distant past they had supernatural power, some writers have acknowledged that they were once worshipped as gods. They are sometimes considered to be a group of people who are believed to have introduced Druidism to Ireland, before going back underground.

The Native Americans talk of a race of giants that lived underground, as well as many other strange creatures. Ant people and Star Gods are also spoken about in Hopi legends. A strange coincidence appears to be that the ant people were known to the Native Americans as Anu-naki, Anu meaning ant and Naki meaning friends almost the same minus one letter N as the Sumerian, Annunaki.

Mayan mythology has many gods Acan is the God of alcoholic beverages. Ah Muzenca is the god of bees, Chin is the god of homosexual relationships and patron of homosexual prostitutes, and they have creator gods, bee gods, fish gods, a god of war, suicide medicine and healing, a god of the earth and many other gods. Like many ancient people they also believed the underworld had gods and like nearly every ancient people including Christians, Pagans, Druids and Hindus, the underworld was associated with death.

According to Mayan mythology the underworld also hosted gods these gods were known as death gods in the oral tradition of the Lacandon people, there is only one death god (called "Kisin" in Lacandon), this death god inhabits an Underworld that is also the world of the dead as a ruler over the world of the dead. Kisin is the one of the many names the death god known as among the Lacandons. The Mayan underworld also contains different levels Mayan God of Death Kisin is sometimes reffered to as AH-PUCH, a Ruler of MITNAL or Level 9 of the Underworld: Mintal is the deepest, darkest level of the Mayan underworld.

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