in #holiday4 years ago

Better later than never - Happy New 2021, my beloved HiveFam!

I was absent almost 2 weeks and missed the greatest holiday - leaving of 2020. The reason is - the end of that "wonderful" year was not better than its 12 months.

The year 2021 is great not only because it took away 2020 but because this year is the start of Age of Aquarius - a new epoch of changes and transformations for better future. And I was waiting for it more than ever because the year 2020 was too hard for me and I was broken inside.

But the age of Aquarius came to me not on the 31st of December at midnight, but some days earlier....when my flat was flooded!


3 rooms and a hall - water was ankle deep everywhere.
Heating pipes breakdown because of extremely strong water pressure. We discovered it later when pipes were being repaired.
But that day all that I saw when I came home - flood and a fountain from the pipe in the kitchen.

We all were out when it happened, and the pressure was so powerful, that just for about 30 min my flat was flooded ..... and not only mine....(thanks God I was nearby in the next house, I went to take home my son from my parents' flat).
When I came home I saw a row of neighbours who live at the lower floors.

We live on the 7th floor - water went from the 7th till the 1st! The speed and pressure was crazy!

Some people tried to help us to stop the water and took it away from the floor to stop flooding of the lower floors, but others just were making a scandal - panic, shouting, cries, threats - it's hard to describe the situation and atmosphere of that evening.... Shock. Moral and physical exhaustion.

We tried to eliminate the consequences during next several days. Spoiled furniture, our PC, books, linoleum on the floor .... even my poor rabbit was flooded - her house was just under that fountain from the pipe.... It's a miracle she was alive! So shocked, so sopping but alive!

We were so tired but our flat was upside down completely after the flood, and we had to make it ok untill the holiday came. Meeting the New Year in such a way would be wrong. And we were like swuirrels in a wheel...drying, repairing, cleaning etc....

I didn't have photos of the flood itself (only our neighbours had them because they were preparing proofs for making claims for us....)

But some shots of the consequences were made after it.

Spoiled floors

making new floors


New floors


Drying of towels and blankets that were used to take the water from the floor...
Do you see steam over them? It was a sunny day after the flood, and evaporation on the sun could be observed well...

On the 31st of December at 9 pm after 3 crazy days we succeed.... 3 hours till the New Year but we did it...

Books, furniture, PC are still not ok, but at least we met the New Year in the flat that looked like a flat;)




At midnight we went out to see fireworks....
The end of 2020... Yes!

The age of Aquarius has come!
And my flood is a proof of it;)


Ohhh Gosh, that must have been crazy dealing with. Please take care of yourself my dear, it's sad to go through this and some unnecessary expense also to bear. I was wondering where were you, I thought you must be busy with family in holiday time.
I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and loads of happiness and good luck💖
Please do continue with your efforts on Hive and Steem and keep some powered down also, you never know this market is crazy, there may be just some sparks and we need to make the most of it in that time. Though it is early still but keeping it powered down is better. I am planning to power down 50% of my stake and convert it to Ethereum. It looks promising

I went to my parents to take my son home back, just 30 min and flood... Thanks God neighbours walls are dry now, and they stopped blaming us.

Yes, dear, market is absolutely crazy. Btc grows up, and I hoped steem and hive will go up too, but they don't...You're right, I need to make power down too. There is no sense to keep it there because blog is stopped here for me, and maybe I need to redirect this money. It's a pity we missed time when steem cost 1$:(
and btc? what do you think of it? many articles promise crazy prices soon, but should we trust these articles?:) sometimes they say wrong info to manipulate masses..

офигеть... вот так финал года... теперь куча хлопот и забот... удачи в новом году.

спасибо) и вам всего хорошего)
финал, как и весь год, "фееричен"

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