RE: December 3 Update: Random SBI Chance, 10 SP reached, Growth, Delegation Expiring
i think bots are essential , otherwise all the little people are left in the dust forever, problem is the elite abuses it under the guise of promotion :-)
i think it's a real waste how this whole steemchain tends to be treated as a text forum to write tales and tell legends on how bitcoin will rise to a million by next week while it has SO much potential technically
and none of the super-marketeers seem to be selling anything but themselves, otherwise there would be at least one or two brandnames here with a promo account. It's like they deliberately built a berlin wall around to keep real money outside so their little kingdom isnt disturbed
and that's the result we're in right now
might take a few months to recover, and it was already down
but well ....
i ain't going nowhere (literally this year now lol)
at least you know how to , while most bots here are just clones, used by people who can pour enough into it to have a fat vote to sell. (all in the name of "you cant use bots to make money" ofcourse)
the disposable anti-heroes of hippicrisy
tschh, never mind i'm still waking up ... i don't jump out of bed singing and dancing the hills are alive hahah