This, in my eyes, is pretty huge! I've been following these guys for over 8 years and Laughing my ass off the entire time. They have around 5 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS on YouTube spread across 3 channels! Make sure you follow them here on Steem (@hodgetwins) and get them to bring there content with them. They make a lot of videos talking about how YouTube barely pays them so Steem is a perfect fit for them.
I’ve seen a few of their videos. Honestly @trevonjb your content is better...
Agreed more intresting to us in the cryptosphere
hahaha oke
TJB your reputation can be improved. Personally I do not think any thing will happen. Each and every individual is responsible for there own money and risk choices! 👊
Love these guys! I've been watching their YouTube videos for about 5 or 6 years now. Found them when I needed to start bulking up.
wow is great bet, they are good is cripto coins
Hehehehe.. Steemit you better get ready for some hilarious shit.. They gonna be so making waves on here.
My guy is back. Good to have you here mhen! I don't really know the hodgetwins but with this words I think I'm gonna watch our for them.
That's really great news
we need influencer personalities for the growth of this platform
hehe , hi trevon ,
that's how we are rolling now , i love the organic growth on the steemit blockchain.
These guys are really funny and “HUNGRY”. They already made me smile while eating.