Steemit Return and my recent hobbies

in #hobbies6 years ago

Well blimey!

It’s July. Where the heck has the time gone? It’s been months since I wrote a post...

Let me assure you, it’s had nothing to do with Steemit or my lack of interest... it’s simply down to the fact I’ve been busy busy busy!

Myself and the better half

Besides working, myself and my lady have been out and about. It appears there’s more to life than sitting on my ass, trawling the internet. That’s right people! There’s a big world out there! Get out and explore it!!

In all fairness, I’ve also been on a bit of an eBay spree. It’s been a weakness if I’m honest.

For those who have read any of my blogs, you’ll know I’m a bit of a Ghostbusters nut. I recently brought a book which gives you the complete behind the scenes story of the franchise in full - with exception of the reboot movie. What a wonderful book this is.

Ghostbusters: The ultimate visual guide

Aside from that... I’ve also took an interest in the Matty Collector props. I couldn’t resist! It’s so hard to get these at a decent price so it had to be done!


What we have here are the screen accurate prop versions of the PKE Meter and Ecto Goggles

Lush aren’t they?

Have any of you got these? Eventually, I’d like to get the Ghost Trap, Proton Gun and Neutrono Wand. Pipe dreams at the moment however since I’m trying to help the other half pay off a credit card debt. Sooner than later I hope but it’s going to be hard work!!

I suppose I could have used the cash I’ve spent on ‘toys’ and all things shiney but for once, it’s nice to have something solid for my money.

Such as these....


I know.... I’m such a kid.

I don’t care! I know I’m a bit of a kid - but then, have any of us truly grown up? There are things in my life I’ll never let go of... these are some of them.

I suppose it’s a nostalgia I have for my childhood. Although at times things were tough... it was nothing like life is now. Back then, we had no care in the world. I grew up in the 80’s. The days of He-Man, Thundercats, Ghostbusters will never fade from my memory.

As a teen, my dearly departed mother would buy me a gaming book from the Lincoln market. Second hand of course. I was lucky to get a single £1 coin back then, let alone anything else so these books were my life.

The books I refer to are the Fighting Fantasy books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingston.

I had quite a few of them, collected over a few years. I loved them. And then.. as an adult.. I sold them. The value of those books was a surprise to me. I actually had two of the rarest books and they were selling for £150 each. Being in debt, I sold them... and the rest to someone living in Singapore. It was a regret.

When Mum died, I felt even worse. In a way, they were a gift from her. And I had sold them. Believe me, I felt so depressed and devastated that I had sold them that I was desperate to get them back.

In truth, that will never happen. They’re gone and I won’t see them again.... BUT what if I replaced them? Brought them all over again. Maybe I’d restore the balance and redeem myself.

That’s EXACTLY what I did. Believe me. It’s cost a lot! But I did it. It’s took months.

Here they are. The complete set

I now own the complete set. All 58 main books and many of the spin off books. You’ll never know the feeling I got when I inserted the final book I had brought. It was almost like a relief bomb inside me had gone off.

Have any of you experienced any of these kind of feelings? If so, let me know in the comments below.

Just remember - we only live once. What’s the point of living if we’re not going to enjoy it? There’s always someone worse off than you.

Since I’m back on steemit, I shall try and post more often. Hope all my followers are getting on well. For new readers, feel free to follow me!


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