(EN/CN/JP) HK-JP-SG a final post/最後一篇文章/文化交流チャレンジ振り返り

in #hkjpsg6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone/大家好/皆さんこんばんは

Thank you very much for everyone who support and participate this HK-JP-SG cross-community contest. Now we just waiting for judge announcement this week :)
And there was an announcement from @orientalhub yesterday about this challenge, so I want to write what I feel and think now... anyway the information is below, so I wish everyone also try to write something simply your reviews for this contest.

這次參加了HK-JP-SG的跨文化“文化交流挑戰”的人都是歡呼聲。 非常感謝您的支持。 感謝你,剩下的只是結果公告。
昨天, @orientalhub 要求我發布參加此次活動的印象。 所以我想我想寫。 細節在這裡。

昨日、 @orientalhub さんからこのチャレンジに参加した「振り返り」のポスト依頼がありましたので、書いてみたいと思います。詳細はこちら。

[Eng/中文/日本語] Results will come soon. Inviting you to do a final post /結果快公佈. 其間請您就文化挑戰做最後一篇文章/HKJPSGの文化交流チャレンジの「振り返り」投稿をお願いします

Well, since I participated this project from the beginning, I wonderd I should write about some thing what was going on behind this event. But I think it's better to write about it as a individual post as a report so I would like to create another post other time.^ ^;

那么,我从第一阶段就参与了这个项目。 所以我想过在这个跨社群的幕后发布。 然而,由于我认为在我开始写作的时候更好地写在另一个场合,我想再次发表。

さて、私はこの企画を最初の段階から参加させていただきましたので、このクロスコミュニティの舞台裏のような投稿をさせて頂こうかな?と思ったんですけど、書き始めるとやっぱりしっかり記録を兼ねて書いて置いたほうがいいような気がしてきましたので^^; また改めてポストさせて戴きたいと思います。

So here is an article of which I participated in.



(EN/中文/JP)Japan's scenery "Showa-village"/日本原風景昭和村/日本の原風景「昭和村」(HK-JP-SG文化交流チャレンジ参加)

Actually, I have written a maniac article with architecture, but as I tried to include the translations of Chinese, I did changed the topic for a bit more easy stuff.
Also, the time of posting overlapped with #archisteem contest sponsored by @ kimzwarch, so I decided to participate in this challenge with this topic. I mean chose topic related to buildings or residences and so on. Speaking of "a place of memories" for me, this "Showa Village" comes to mind first. The subject has been decided on this.

其實,我寫了一篇與建築更接近的文章。 但是如果翻譯包含中文翻譯,翻譯將會很困難。 所以我提出了這個問題。 此外,發佈時間與 @kimzwarch 贊助的 #archisteem 競賽重疊。 所以我們決定選擇與建築物,住宅等相關的主題。 談到我的“一個回憶之地”,首先想到這個“昭和村”。 這個問題已經決定。

実は他にもう少し建築寄りのマニアックな記事を書いていたんですけど、中国語の訳も入れることになるともう翻訳がお手上げになるので、改めてこのトピックにしました。また、投稿の時期が @kimzwarch さんが主催する #archisteemのコンテストと時期が重なったこともあり、こちらへの参加も考えたので建物や住居などと関係するトピックを選ぶことになりました。私にとって「想い出の場所」と言えばまず、この「昭和村」が思い浮かびます。これで題材が決まりました。

And as I said about this contest of @kimzwarch, there was a result announcement yesterday, and it seems I got the second place 😂. There was no such feeling at all when I was looking at the state of voting, but I learned that he valued the personal viewpoint of "Why I want to remember this place?"
It was an unexpected thing and it became a big encouragement, so I would like to participate again with this contest. If you are interested, there is a link here, but I would like to introduce more details about this contest another time.

而且,說這個 @kimzwarch的比賽,其實昨天有一個結果公佈。 我贏得了二等獎。 雖然當我看到投票狀態時我根本沒有感覺到這種情況,但我了解到,我評估了個人觀點“我為什麼要離開這個地方?” 這是一件意想不到的事情,它成了一個很大的鼓勵,所以我想參與未來。 如果你有興趣,這裡有一個鏈接,但我想再次介紹它。

そして @kimzwarchさんのこのコンテストと言いますと、実は昨日その結果発表がありまして、なんと2位を受賞してしまいました😂 投票の様子を見ていると全然そんな感じがなかったのですが「何故私がこの場所を残したいか」という個人的な視点を評価して下さったと知りました。思いがけないことで、また大きな励みになりましたので、これからも参加したいと思っています。もし興味がある方がおられましたらこちらにリンクがありますが、また改めて詳しく紹介したいと思ってます。

As for translation, Chinese was hard work. I also wrote it in the Google Translate post the other day, but if we don't write short sentences, it won't work correctly.
And I can notice that if my English is a bit funny, but I really no clue about Chinese... I feel like this might be good opportunity to start Chinese lessons as well as minimal grammar or simple greetings.

至於翻譯,中國人認真。 我也在前些日子的Google Translate部分中寫過,但如果你不在短時間內寫出句子,它將成為一句毫無意義的句子。 英語在某種程度上是你自己的奇怪? 我可以把握這種感覺。 至於這一點,我有機會認為我想學習中文以及最少的語法或簡單的問候。


And about everyone's article, since various projects and events were going on in Jpns community last month, I tried to post my article at the first day to let everyone knows the contest just began from that day. But despite my concern, there were five postings from the first day, it was honestly surprising and encouraged me a lot.
And also the last day there were 7 articles had posted. At that night steemit server went down and everyone seemed to have been struggling, but it was very impressive that most people posted without giving up.

此外,這是關於每個人的帖子。 自從上個月以來,各種項目和活動持續不斷,因此我只想在第一天發布自己的信息,並知道比賽的存在! 我正在為它做準備。 然而,從第一天起,有五個帖子,我對此感到非常驚訝和鼓舞。 在最後一天,有7個潮流發布。 在這最後一天的深夜,簡易機器人倒下了,所有人似乎一直在掙扎,但大多數人不放棄地發布,這一點非常令人印象深刻。


It was quite surprising HK & SG steemians know about so many things about our JPNs culture, and also feel like many of them have been to Japan in my impression. Unfortunately I haven't been to Asian countries except China and Korea. So... I think I should work very hard on steemit and create money to travel around Asian countries.

香港和新加坡的很多職位都是關於日本的事情,而且你的知識深度很受驚嚇。 最重要的是,我有很多印像我曾到過日本。 不幸的是,我從未在韓國和中國訪問過亞洲.... 不要忘記在seeemit做出努力,並為亞洲國家賺取差旅費!?


So... I wrote about what I felt to post for this challenge and read everyone's article. I would like to write about the stories behind of this challenge another time after judgement. Thank you very much for reading.

今天,我寫下了發布這個挑戰和閱讀的印象。 至於它背後的故事,我想在結果展示結束後再次寫下它。 非常感謝。


スクリーンショット 2018-05-13 16.59.13.png


Hongkong - Japan -Singapore cross community?

Hi dear @akbarrafs... How are you?
yes... we just going to closing this contest now...
But I guess we will have opportunity to have cros-communication with your Indonesian community too some day... ;)

If you have interested in, you can check what was going on with the tag of #hkjpsg ... you know, our community is still very small so we tried to have the opportunity to do something interesting, and tried to make our each community make stronger and expand to other Asian communities... :)

Hi dear @yo-yo. I am very well. Long time no talk yaa :)

Surely, we will build cross-community communications in Asia. Last month I went to Malaysia and met some Steemians in Kuala Lumpur. I hope to meet Steemian all over Asia as well

Ok, I will read the postings with hashtag #hkjpsg. Of course an interesting thing.

Unfortunately I haven't been to Asian countries except China and Korea. So... I think I should work very hard on steemit and create money to travel around Asian countries.

Do visit Singapore soon! Haha..

Yeah! I really wish so!! Thank you very much @culgin...
I have a little bit mixed feeling... it was quite tough, but I'm sure I'll miss this... ;)

I am sure there will be another challenge in the future!

Time to have another challenge🤣

Hey dear!! give me a little break pls... 😂



Thanks @yo-yo! Happy to have you joining the fun.
The story you told was sincere and filled with passion and the team loved it.
Hope to read more from you soon!

hi @kimzwarch... Arigato for your visiting here!
I'm really proud of your word... I'll keep going! ;)

Dear @yo-yo,

Thank you for featuring our project – 1001 Places to Remember and congratulation again as one of the winners for S01. We hope to read your story again soon!

Stay tuned and Steem on!

Sincerely from,

@archisteem and team

Hi dear @archisteem...
Thank you very much for your exciting project! I couldn't mention about your contest so much with this post, but I'll write another one to let more people know and understand...
Hehe, just finished next one so... hope you would like it... ;) Arigato!!



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