From Collective memories to Mandela effect 從集體回憶到曼德拉效應
Mandela effect was introduced at the last post, now we are talking about Collective memories.
Memories seem like one of the most personal aspects of who we are. What we remember, what triggers memories, and how we remember things help define our identities. But memories are more than just personal. They can be something we share collectively too.
Sociologists who study collective memory focus on how groups share information about the past and construct meanings about the past together. This can be done through the creation of monuments and storytelling, which serves not only to remind members of events but also defines the group in the process.
上一篇 已經介紹過曼德拉效應,現在來談談集體回憶。
For example of Hong Kong, nowadays we have some collective memories e.g., some classic advertising video, cartoon theme song, Tiananmen Incident, transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong, some disappear street and buildings, some famous people and stars. These events was happened, we have memories in our mind, but most of materials are coming from the media. There is a problem, is these material of the media is correct? The media always have their own opinion, they will change the facts, if the people didn't fix it , the false things will be spread and turning to be a Mandela effect.
Here is a example:
Hong Kong band Beyond's 'Glorious Days' a lasting tribute to Mandela, The 1991 track Glorious Days by the city's most famous rock band Beyond, which became a Cantonese anthem for idealistic youth, is from beginning to end a homage to Mandela.
"Never stop struggling with uncertainty. I believe the future can be altered. But who can achieve it?" the lyrics read in part.
Today, it is widely used as one of the theme songs in local demonstrations because of its message of anti-racism and aspiration to freedom. There are many details on the newspaper, Mandela was out of jail at 1988, and to be a president of South Afria at 1990. A few years later, the people mixed up with two songs, 'Glorious Days' and 'The Boundless Sea and Sky' , their lyrics both talk about freedom. The human memories are very unreliable.
香港樂隊Beyond的主音歌手黃家駒,當年受到囚禁黑牢中27年的曼德拉啟發,在1990年為曼德拉寫了一首詞,最後譜成經典名曲《光輝歲月》,向曼德拉偉大燦爛的一生致敬。歌詞開首:「鐘聲響起歸家的訊號 在他生命裏 徬佛帶點唏噓」一個祝福。1988年,曼德拉出獄,1990年當上南非總統,黃家駒創作《光輝歲月》的歌詞,他當時接受媒體訪時說:「我很佩服曼德拉,20多年的牢獄,不知他怎樣耐過這段孤獨歲月,但我知道一定有堅強的信念支撐他。」然後在若干年後,很多人把《光輝歲月》跟另一首歌《海闊天空》搞混了。因為大家都是爭取自由的歌曲,你想想人類的記憶多麼的不可靠。
For my opinion, Mandela Effect is not true, there is something wrong of our memory. I suggest you to write more news or living things at steemit, it will be a history prove in the future.
very interesting subject @kona and very interesting discussion.
I agree with you in that I dont think the Mandela effect is true. our memories are unreliable, but sometimes they also come from our perception of things.
our brains are full of details from our daily lives. These details attack our brains every milli-sec whether we like it or not. and for us to remember everything correctly, our poor brains need to sift through all the garbage to collect relative materials.
Its no wonder that we tend to mix things up. especially things that were imprinted in our brains through strong emotions with facts. Like the Mandela example.
Probably when he was imprisoned, people were thinking that he would have been killed, etc. The emotions attached to the events at the time were much stronger than the emotion attached to his release and normal death.
Our brains mainly work to preserve more of the images we feel strongly about for long term recollection. In this case Mandela dying in unfair trial for a cause which makes him a hero. The hero we all want to be vs Mandela getting out of jail and dying a normal death and nothing heroic about that for us, its just being like everyone else.
And now... Bingo! You get a lot of people believing the hero story, even when they don't know each other. After all, we all have more or less the same brain biology/psychology imprint.
Thanks again for sharing. I am glad I read it before the vote deadline :D
cool...u can write a post of your point, u must get many votes...u are a very clear mind man..waiting for your good post too~
Dear @kona, Many thanks for your sweet compliment. Actually, that is a very good idea, if you don't mind me posting about it and referring to your post, I would be happy to do that. I like such subjects
On another note, I have curated your post Here. If you wish to take a look ;)
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BEYOND 的集體回憶,作為香港人,感概萬千。如果有多一點 BEYOND 的團體,香港或許會少一點負能量呢!
well done kona!