Finally Realized the STEEM Blockchain isn't Worthy for Activity!

in #hive4 years ago


Would be lying if I'd inferred that over the past 4 years that a bond wasn't created due to the interaction between the users of STEEM and myself. The selling out of the Steemit Inc. ninja mine stake to Justin Sun coupled with the subsequent fear fork and exchange collusion takeover will make a hell of a case study in the future for sure.. But with that being said after much thinking and soul searching about if I was willing to run a STEEM witness or continue posting to the chain it has been decide to completely stop posting on STEEM unless it's something to do with the services I run on STEEM, which will be supported for the next 10 months or so. My heart is no longer with STEEM, with the prior allegiance shown to STEEM now being focused towards HIVE and the community that migrated after we hardforked with the v0.23.0 hardfork.

Shock and Awe

The knee jerk reaction was to pull all support and close all services related to STEEM. However realizing this would be unfair to investors / patrons of the service it was decided to continue to continue running the service atleast until the yearly TLD subscription runs out. After this the SR site will be closed.. So while no real rush to divest and remove funds yet, in 10 months or so it will be required. Updates to the site will still be pushed although the main branch of the Roller franchise will be focused on site which will be the focus of development and continued runnign for the foreseeable future. As a developer I've got a tough time long term supporting a centralized chain prone to censorship which seems to be the new normal for the old Blockchain. Rest in peace STEEM, Shame on you Justin Sun.

( a screncap from showing my witness disabled for its final time on STEEM )

The witness that was run under my name for the past 3 or so years on STEEM was shut down yesterday. Was running 22.4444 as a protest to the hostile takeover and censorship fork that is Steemit 22.8888 but regardless of availability of infrastructure it has been decided to completely halt witness activity on the old chain in order to focus more on our new chain and its further future development.

Not a "Good Riddance" but Rather a New Beginning

While its sad to say.. I loved STEEM. The community and the opportunity to make something better of myself while earning rewards for posting is something that is unprecedented and has yet to be properly deployed again like how STEEM was (arguably) in the beginning. It's not hard to miss the glory days of STEEM.. But what it all boils down to is that the vibe that once resided on that blockchain has been muzzled to the point it no longer holds the same fundamentals as it once did.. That makes me sad.

Rather than drag out a long "breakup" so to speak the plan is to power down the remainder of my STEEM and sell it for BTC and HIVE in order to decrease the market cap of STEEM and recover the monetary reward from years of sweat equity and obcessing over the now compromised blockchain that brought us all together. As stated earlier the service will continue to run and be updated for the next 10 months or so... But after that will be retired, unless by some chance the politics on the STEEEM blockchain improve greatly and their community stands against the blatant abuse of long time users.

Moving Towards a Better Future

From now on the only posts made from @KLYE on STEEM will be critical information posts pertaining to the only remaining service I've got left on STEEM.. It will be phased out in the upcoming year and highly recommending to users of STEEM to seriously consider migrating to HIVE in order to avoid censorship and potential issues caused by the somewhat draconian politics going on now.

This makes me sad at the end of the day.. A large portion of this being wishes that Ned never sold the old chain out to Justin Sun.. Another portion of me is inclined to believe that this may have been a blessing in disguise although be it a tough lesson. Our market cap here on HIVE is far greater than STEEM which speaks volumes as to what type of governance the crypto community prefers.

When Attacked, The Hive Community Reacts


The very fundamentals of DPOS crypto currency came under attack on STEEM.. HIVE was born out of necessity to preserve our way of being as a community and for that I'll always be thankful to work along side a plethora of very talented people. This recent pump and exposure of the HIVE blockchain is a testament to the potential fruitful future of HIVE.. And that shit excites me more than I can convey in text in a post. HIVE is alive, our community is second to none and our power is only just starting to mature.

It is not up to anyone to tell you what blockchain you should post or spend time on, however if you're a person that resonates with freedom of speech, decentralization and immutability the obvious choice between STEEM and HIVE is obviously HIVE. We have the community, we've got the developers and we've got the collective knowledge to not only continue evolving the blockchain in the right direction for mass adoption as a currency & utility token.

The Future Will be Inspiring

Development of HIVE applications is the goal moving forward and I'm excited to release the next version of the Roller site when it is completed. Lots of changes, features and improvements are coming. Thank you for being patient and I appologize for being nearly 3 months behind the projected launch of Roller v0.7.5.

With all this being said, come visit the site in the next hour or so while saying something in chat and I'll tip you a bit of HIVE to test the site out, regardless if you wish to gamble, divest or just take profits.

STEEM Is all but dead to me, RIP. Long live the HIVE blockchain and community

This will be the last non-critical post I invoke on STEEM.. Please consider visiting my blog at if you're like to continue seeing my posts. Have a good one!


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Its like jilted lover.

The knee jerk reaction is to have nothing to do with them.
To seethe in anger and plot revenge.

But, it really needs to wait till your head is cool,
and most realize that it was just better to go your own ways.

Very well said. :)

I am sad to see you go. But I am relieved that I can still follow you over at HIVE.

Good to see you captain! See you on HIVE!

You as well captain!


Now we just need you to wake up to flat earth and Illuminati.

excellent information friend 🙏🏻

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