Dear Steemians,
Virus corona yang semakin hari semakin memprihatinkan dunia, penyebaran virus tersebut telah merebak hampir seluruh dunia. Dampaknya sangat luar biasa, apalagi di China sebagai negara pertama ditemukan virus corona dan saat ini sudah sampai di Indonesia yang juga merasakan dampaknya.
Di awal tahun 2020 ini virus corona telah memberi dampak yang cukup parah terhadap perekonomian
dunia. Sebahagian besar perusahaan
di negara-negara yang terkena virus corona, baik perusahaan besar maupun usaha kecil menengah harus menutup sumber keuangan mereka, paling tidak selama sebulan kedepan lagi diperkirakan dapat bertahan dengan ketersediaan uang tunai mereka, selebihnya harus gulung tikar.
Jika wabah corona ini tidak segera berakhir, maka angka pengangguran akan semakin bertambah. Banyak pelaku usaha mengalami kerugian yang dapat meruntuhkan perusaan
mereka. Ekonomi dunia diambang kehancuran.
Dear Steemians,
Corona virus, which is increasingly concerned about the world, the spread of the virus has spread almost all over the world. The impact is extraordinary, especially in China as the first country discovered by the corona virus and has now arrived in Indonesia, which also felt its effects.
At the beginning of 2020, the corona virus had a quite severe impact on the economy
world. Most companies
in countries affected by the corona virus, both large companies and small and medium businesses must close their financial resources, at least for the next month is expected to survive with the availability of their cash, the rest must be out of business.
If the corona outbreak does not end soon, unemployment will increase. Many business actors suffer losses that can bring down companies
they. The world economy is on the verge of collapse.
Lhokseumawe, March 24, 2020.
BY: @almazzhr