18.11.2021 - Joke or funny story of the day | Witz oder lustige Geschichte des Tages

in Steem Germany3 years ago

Here you can post a joke every day that you particularly liked.

We all want to have a little fun and since the group is a little international, we might find out what people in other countries are laughing about.


Since it is no longer a problem to simply translate texts, you can also publish them here in German, English or Spanish.

The best joke will be rewarded every day with a slightly higher vote. But every participant also gets a few cents for publishing a joke.

So, let's get started, I'm looking forward to reading jokes or funny gas stories from all over the world here.

Hier könnt ihr jeden Tag einen Witz veröffentlichen, der euch besonders gefallen hat.

Wollen wir doch alle ein wenig Spaß haben und da die Gruppe ja ein wenig international aufgestellt ist, erfahren wir vielleicht worüber man in anderen Ländern so lacht.

Da es heute ja kein Problem mehr ist, texte einfach zu übersetzen könnt ihr hier auch in deutsch, englisch oder spanisch veröffentlichen.

Der beste Witz wird jeden Tag mit einem etwas höheren Vote honoriert. Aber jeder Teilnehmer bekommt auch so ein paar Cent, dass er einen Witz veröffentlicht.

Also, dann mal los, ich freue mich schon darauf Witze oder lustige Gasschichten aus aller Welt hier zu lesen.


Suffering from an unsightly scaly rash, my friend Denise made an appointment with a dermatologist who happened to be very attractive. After a full examination, the doctor cocked his head and asked, “Denise, did you get your hair done?” “Why, yes. Thank you for noticing,” said Denise, flattered. “I thought so,” the doctor replied. “Because your scalp looks red and irritated.”

My mother was browsing in a store when a saleswoman offered assistance. Mom admitted she didn’t have anything particular in mind, and the pair started chatting. The woman quickly learned that Mom was retired. Interested, she confessed that she, too, was considering retirement. Mom immediately started telling her how much she liked no longer working and how the saleswoman would enjoy it too. Finally, convinced by Mom’s enthusiasm, she asked, “How long have you been retired?” Mom said, “This is my first day.”

We Uber drivers never know whom we’re going to end up with as a passenger. One day, I was driving over a new bridge, the design of which was very confusing. Completely confounded, I muttered, “I’d love to meet the genius who designed this mess.” With that, my passenger extended his hand in my direction and said, “Well, today is your lucky day. My name is Mike, I work for the county engineer’s office, and I’m the genius who designed this!” Surprisingly, he still gave me a tip.

As a head cashier in a departmental store, I had to open and close the cash registers of the cashiers. Whenever a cashier started work, I was paged to open the register. "Open my register," "Please let me start," and "Give me the go-ahead," were some of the terms used by cashiers. One day, a newly appointed bright-looking girl came to the register and said loudly, "Turn me on!"

my roommate ttells her joke for the 1st time

-Where do cows go for entertainment??

to moooo-vies hahaha

Dave is ploughing his field with a steamroller.

Jimmy says "Dave you don't plough a field with a steamroller, you idiot!"

Dave replies " Jimmy you simpleton, obviously I'm growing mashed potatoes"

Zwei Tiere treffen sich im Wald, sagt das eine: „Ich bin ein Wolfshund – meine Mutter ist ein Wolf, mein Vater ein Hund.“
Antwortet das andere Tier: „Ich bin ein Ameisenbär.“ – „Oh Gott, dass ist ja abgefahren!“, schreit der Wolfshund.

Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine.

At an event famous for giving out awards in bizarre categories, the emcee enthusiastically announces, “The next prize will go to the laziest person in the audience. If you think you qualify, raise your hand.” Everyone raises their hands except a middle-aged man who seems to show little interest. “Congratulations! You are the winner,” says the emcee to the man. “Your prize is this $100 bill!” Still showing no emotion, the man replies, “Would you mind coming over here and putting it in my pocket?

„Wie viel wiegt deine Frau?“
– Frag mich bitte was Leichteres.

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