15.11.2021 - Joke or funny story of the day | Witz oder lustige Geschichte des Tages

in Steem Germany3 years ago

Here you can post a joke every day that you particularly liked.

We all want to have a little fun and since the group is a little international, we might find out what people in other countries are laughing about.


Since it is no longer a problem to simply translate texts, you can also publish them here in German, English or Spanish.

The best joke will be rewarded every day with a slightly higher vote. But every participant also gets a few cents for publishing a joke.

So, let's get started, I'm looking forward to reading jokes or funny gas stories from all over the world here.

Hier könnt ihr jeden Tag einen Witz veröffentlichen, der euch besonders gefallen hat.

Wollen wir doch alle ein wenig Spaß haben und da die Gruppe ja ein wenig international aufgestellt ist, erfahren wir vielleicht worüber man in anderen Ländern so lacht.

Da es heute ja kein Problem mehr ist, texte einfach zu übersetzen könnt ihr hier auch in deutsch, englisch oder spanisch veröffentlichen.

Der beste Witz wird jeden Tag mit einem etwas höheren Vote honoriert. Aber jeder Teilnehmer bekommt auch so ein paar Cent, dass er einen Witz veröffentlicht.

Also, dann mal los, ich freue mich schon darauf Witze oder lustige Gasschichten aus aller Welt hier zu lesen.


When the box with my Halloween costume arrived, it was empty. I called the company and asked where my Maid Marian costume was. “We’re sorry, ma’am. We’ll send your costume tomorrow,” the representative said. “In the meantime, feel free to keep the Lady Godiva costume you got by mistake.”

I had a chance encounter with a pastor who told me about a wonderful event held at his church. “We had a singing group the other day that performed without instruments,” he said. “A cappella?” I asked. He shrugged. “I don’t remember the name of the group

Sometimes honesty isn’t the best policy.A patient showed up at our medical office and asked, “You’re Mary, aren’t you?” I smiled. “No, sorry, I’m not.” “Are you sure? You look just like someone I know named Mary.” “Well, I hope she’s young and skinny.” “No,” he said, settling into his chair. “She looks like you.”

Banta-Recording his babys voice.
Santa-Oye!what R U doing?
Banta-When he grows up,
I shall ask him what he meant by this.

Ich halte es bald nicht mehr aus meine Frau nörgelt seit einem halben Jahr täglich an mir herum!
Weshalb denn?
Sie will umbedingt dass ich den Weihnachtbaum wegräume.

Dad: Did you hear the rumour about the butter?
Me: What?
Dad: Well, I am not gonna spread it. #DadJokes

My three-year-old son: I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Me: You can be anything you want. Son: (after a few seconds) I think I’ll be a mother

I was trapped in an elevator for 30 minutes before the doors finally opened. Relieved, I said to a fellow hostage, “There’s a first time for everything.” She grumbled back, “There’s a last time for everything too.”

Patient: Doctor I have been feeling a little weird lately.
Doctor: weird how. can you give me a little more detail.
Patient: I have been feeling like a pair of curtains.
Doctor: Don't be silly, pull yourself together.

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