The Diary Game || For Tuesday 7th December, 2021 || By @guttaboy | #club5050

in CRYPTO.KIDS3 years ago

Yesterday was just like every other week day, I had woken up just a few minutes past 5:00am, this time not to the sound of my alarm clock. I sat up and said my morning prayers, after that I sort out a few of my books, which I would use in class. I then picked up my phone to check messages and chats on whatsapp, in no time my friend and roommate were both awake and they started preparing for school, I just sat in bed feeling tired. By past 8:00am they were done and they left for the school campus leaving me all alone, I quickly had my bath and fixed something to eat for breakfast. I hurriedly ate the food, dressed up and left for my class.


I didn't have much cash on me so I just walked, while on my way I walked briskly hoping I don't get late for class. Once in class I figured the lecturer hadn't arrived so I just settled down while we all waited him. The lecturer arrived after a while and the class started. The class started officially by 10:00am and lasted for 3 hours, so by past 1:00 pm the class was concluded and everyone was dismissed. I bought a class material and just started reading. Later, my friends and I decided to start going. On my way home I branched at the A.T.M to withraw some money, and also visited the market in order to purchase a few things for dinner.

Going home

Before 3:30 pm I was home and I immediately had a cold shower to cool my head from the day. After that I took out a book and started studying, I have a major quiz on friday so I have to study very hard these days. I was reading when my roommate got home, I was actually expecting him to join me but he just went to sleep. I was feeling tired so I just had some coffee, I've been taking much coffee lately and I know it may not really be healthy but I have to do what I have to do.

sactchets of students coffee

At about 5:00pm, my friend came around but I didn't give him much attention I just continued studying till 5:30 pm then I decided to stop the reading and go on a walk around campus. On the way I met my friend and course mate who is actually a girl by the way, she just kept kept bothering me to buy her an ice cream. I just blew her off and continued my walk.

photo taken during my walk

I strolled around the school for a while and I decided to just buy the her the ice cream but it was already getting late I couldn't find somewhere to buy it so I just forgot about it and started heading home. I stopped at a friend’s place on my way home, we conversed for a while mostly talking about the major quiz on friday and the tention it has put on some students, by past 7:00pm we left his apartment for mine. When we arrived my roommate and my other friend had already finished making dinner with the things I bought, that gave me some joy. We all ate dinner like a family and I'm sure everyone ate to their fill, when we were all done I cleared the dishes. And few minutes after, the room was balling with some music and were talking about some useful yet useless stuff, you get that feels like right.


By past 10:00pm, my friends decided to head back to their various apartments. I saw them off and returned to my room. I checked my phone for messages, there was none so I turned down the music but not totally. I played some cool songs as I prepared to go to bed, I wasn't going to study cos I was tired and I didn't wanna take anymore motivating coffee. I'm sure I fell asleep before midnight, that's all I remember about my day.

Thanks For reading.

 3 years ago 

Great day friend, the dinner looked very tasty, I wish you a good day.

Kind regards.


I am @andreoid, Kid Moderator and Starkid of the community and member of CLUB5050....

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