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RE: Boss Quest: Defeat the British Man o' War!
Arrr we empty all the torpedo tubes on the Man-0-War and charge full speed ahead, positioning for the next turn whether to board and fight or maybe another volley? @piratedice Roll Dem Bones!
Axey's EIGHT (count'em, 8!) happy sirens, delighted by Cap'n UNDY have bequeathed me mighty Maiden's Distress with good luck for the next several turns, Me HOPeS!
Ye throw the old knuckle bones and roll a 2
Maiden's Distress unleashes a volley of torpedoes, doin' 6 damage to the Man-o'-War! The enemy ship is slammed by the warheads, rockin' it fiercely. (2 + 4 from siren luck).
Ye throw the old knuckle bones and roll a 10
Crit roll! @piratedice
Ye throw the old knuckle bones and roll a 2