처음 해보는 멘토링 Mentoring for the first time
2024.10.15 화요일, KISIA 멘토링 주간결과보고서
최근 회사와 협회가 취업과 연계되는 사업을 하고 있는데, 거기에서 멘토링을 하게 됐다. 예전에 인턴들을 데리고 일한 적은 몇번 있었는데 멘토링은 처음 해본다.
Recently, companies and associations are engaged in a business linked to employment, where they start mentoring. I've worked with interns a few times in the past, but this is my first time mentoring.
우리 팀으로는 총 13명이었는데, 그 중 4명은 내가 맡기로 했다.
There were a total of 13 people on my team, four of whom were assigned to me.
외근갔다가 시간 여유가 있을 것 같아 직접 방문한다고 멘티들에게 얘기했는데 결국 퇴근시간인 5시쯤에야 도착할 수 있었다.
I told the mentees that I would visit them in person because I thought I would have time to go out of work, but in the end, I couldn't arrive until around 5 o'clock when I got off work.
만나서 문서 쓰는 방법과 앞으로 어떻게 진행할지 간략히 소개하고 내가 늦은 김에 그냥 저녁을 먹기로 했다.
We met and briefly introduced how to write documents and how to proceed in the future, and decided to just have dinner since I was late.
저녁시간이다보니 다른 식당들도 사람들이 많았다. 우리가 간 곳도 유명했던 것 같은데. 위 사진의 메뉴가 가장 맛있고 참신했다.
갈비처럼 나오는데 가운데 들어 있는 것은 뼈가 아니라 파였고, 맛이 굉장히 조화로웠다.
Since it was dinner time, other restaurants were also crowded. I think the place we went to was also famous. The menu in the picture above was the most delicious and novel.
It comes out like ribs, but what was in the middle was not bone, but green onions, and the taste was very harmonious.
얼큰하게 취하고 멘티들은 집에 보내고 나는 다른 약속 장소로 향했다. 이들도 2차였던 것 같은데, 여기로 오지 말고 그냥 집으로 갔어야 했다. 내가 얼마나 취했는지 3차까지 갔다는데 전혀 기억이 없다.
I got drunk and sent the mentees home, and I headed to another appointment. I think they were also on the second round, so I should have just gone home instead of coming here. I went to the third round to see how drunk I was, but I don't remember at all.
요새들어 술을 많이 먹는 것 같은데.. 자중도 해야겠다.
I think I've been drinking a lot lately. I should do my own weight.