War of Attrition

Korea community, we have shared interest in justice and we will soon discuss how it’ll be carried out. This is the primary reason why I’ve been around, there are things that have never been acceptable, especially done so blatantly. It doesn't matter if it's 10000 B.C or 10000 A.D.

However, I have a pressing concern. It is true that there is great turbulence geopolitically, but I believe the majority of watchers are wrong. What you believe will influence how you behave, and how some have been behaving does not justify what they believe.

There is a scramble taking place in real time. What is occurring is a geopolitical capitulation. But the rivalry among the U.S & China will result in the greatest super cycle mankind has ever seen.

But we have to analyze certain moving parts to understand their respective challenges. China could only shed trade with the U.S to a certain limit before it threatens some of their own industries. If the Yuan strengthens, the GDP gap will close. But as the Yen and Indian Rupee continue to decline they will be more appealing to the rest of the world. China doesn't have a lot of runway left for real estate, rails, and solar. They want to have EV export dominance but the global south will have to develop first. The U.S is allowing mass immigration to pad GDP and population.

The U.S must watch BRICS closely. A common currency is simply not realistic, Russia is the 3rd largest economy of the block. The more energy they provide the more the other countries grow and the more influence they will gain on their economies. The more Energy countries join the block the less influence Russia will have.

Russia is now the biggest threat to American security because of capabilities. Iran however is the biggest risk to imminent WW3. What Iran shares with the Palestinians is religion, and perhaps a hatred of Israel. The Palestinians are Arabs. The question is will there be a two state solution? At this stage I would say Israel's plan is for Palestine to become autonomous regions within Israel or be reduced to a political party. Saudi Arabia has called for the 1967 border so this issue won’t resolve soon, but it will be an Arab affair. The Israel and Iran conflict will be about something else. North Korea, the third member of the trouble crew, has a lot of spying to do, they’ll provide weapons but most likely focus on visual capabilities.

If China attacked Taiwan with missiles, that would be the strangest moment in history since they have a no first use policy. While China parades across the world for the Palestinians, they say nothing about the Rohingyas who have been left stateless. Before the Myanmar Junta accepted a truce with the ethnic Chinese in the north mediated by China, they freed a lot of rebels leading up to the truce. Who put them up to a coup and for what reasons in the first place?

I hereby state I will adhere to the one China policy of two systems… with the main China, the leader over the other China, and there won’t be any interference of the main China reuniting with the other China whomever it may be when they make that choice. Strategic ambiguity.

I would prefer there be no conflict zones.

The way Russia's economy has been able to withstand a war and sanctions, is the way the U.S economy must be able to withstand a European contraction, and if Korea's economy starts contracting it will be a sign we could share the same fate several quarters later. The cushion must be expanded.

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