Immigration Concerns

There is a strange phenomena with the current immigration trends in America. The rise of Indian, and Chinese illegally migrating is about ½ the size of their legal migration which is ranked 2nd and 3rd. It went from 100’s of illegal migrants to 25k-50k per year. How they differ from migrants from South America, and Africa is that they come with a hefty purse.

There are about 15 Chinese Restaurants in a 5 mile radius from my location. This trade is oversaturated. Chinese food is good, but it doesn't give you wings. We have to watch these Chinese. I will see if restaurants come under new management. This could be some Chinese people laundering, a sort of exchange of hands. Who knows how these foreigners operate. As for the Indians, gas stations have a good decade left before sharp decline.

What the ‘Woke Right’ doesn’t get is that housing prices in the U.S.A can’t fall because of cash purchases from foreigners, especially those fleeing Europe, and Asia. Canada implemented a law where you must show how you legally obtain your wealth, and the United States should do the same. A lot of Russians have been doxxed in the past, and this is a major security risk. Eventually America will have to pursue an isolationist policy and a vetting process. Such as have you ever been a member of the CCP?

This comes at a time when bright Chinese and Indians are leaving the U.S for their birth countries for replicated competing industries. This is a two punch combo. I am suspicious of people coming from countries with good GDP and decent prospects. I believe it has been too relaxed for them including ‘allies’.

This is a good time for diplomacy with the other nations of this world. The United States should remain all encompassing. It’ll be a way to reiterate it is a nation of peoples from everywhere, and not solely focused in one region. Although it may seem hegemonic, that is because of the realism of its depth. Ethno-nationalist countries don’t have the same diplomatic capabilities if it ever came to a bidding contest.

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