The Return of Natural Law

In the global theater the United States holds overwhelming power. Domestic subversion however could potentially diminish the advantages already set forth. Domestic idiots could turn a victory into a pyrrhic victory.

The unintended consequences of a nation-state establishing a dominating position is that a swath of people think it is ok to squander and set about habits that will bring the nation to the Roman crossroads.

There are too many grown men and women drawn into being occult practitioners. Wherever you go in the public sector or private sector you will find people creating offshoot societies that don’t coincide with what aspire the American dream.

In every setting people acquire a stake, and expect to perform duties that could increase their stake. But if the construct is wrong you lose more than you gain by appealing to man. Adults weighed by responsibilities fall to peer pressure.

Hazing and initiation rituals often means you have to tolerate or engage in some form of disrespect or harm. As you're stripped of your individuality to impress and be subservient to man you become individually weak and brittle.

You often find those that accept violations of their human rights or conscious to be part of something, believe others should too accept violations to be part of nothing. Their minds have been warped to think of ills as commonplace, and they become offended when another has the spine they lost. They don't care to share abundance, but happily spread sorrow.

People are all to happy to let you know how much of a fuck they don’t give. It makes them feel tough. But when that fuck they don’t give is dependent on mans law rather than natural law escaping the consequences is not guaranteed.

The Return of Natural Law

This is a worldwide phenomenon. Too many people have been swayed by man's law rather than natural law. Under natural law it is illegal for a good woman to let a good man go hungry. Can I get an amen.

If you are not gay, but you made a decision to suck dick that is on you. Leave the innocent people alone.

In natural law man doesn't decide who is down and out, nor is man limited by their vices or experiences. What matters is the truth of their relationship with God, not what others think they should feel, do, or act.

Natural law exposes the wicked. The brainwashed. The fools. Those that want to be front and center not because they’re the most suitable but because they represent the antichrist.

Too many people don’t do the work but want to take the credit. Too many people do things for the appearance of looking good.

Natural law exposes it all, natural law supersedes man's law. You won’t get that credit, that facade will fall. You will resemble the craven loser that you decided to be.

You don’t have to be successful to come across haters. All you have to do is be yourself, be happy, live your life. Have qualities they wish they had. Natural law does not seek to constrain man. Natural law is wholesome and is divine.

When natural law kicks into effect. Cowards can’t rule over the brave. Those that are propped will collapse. Fugitives from justice will be apprehended.

The adversaries of the United States believe the situation is such that the controlled opposition will have enough runway to commit treason.

They lost their righteousness a long time ago. They know they can’t defeat us so they’re rooting for a pyrrhic victory.

You can not repent after, only before. If you want a fighting chance granted by natural law, realize the error of your ways.

The United States is about to be Re-Founded.

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