What Is Your Story Of Finding Your Own Passion?
I was at an accounting exam, I knew nothing about accounting, I was waiting for the two hours to pass so I could go home.
And as usual, I kept writing quotes describing how I see the world on the questions’ paper, I kept criticizing the community for how unjust it is, for how superficial people are.
But, while writing these things, I told to myself:
You’ve written more than 30,000 pages in the last 2–3 years, you write a diary daily, you always use a pen and a paper to plan anything, to make a decision, to even think about simple things, you have NEVER got bored of writing, not a single time.
Here I discovered that writing was my genuine passion because I do believe your passion is something you could do forever for free without getting bored or tired and then earning money for it becomes only a bonus.
At this accounting exam, my life has changed forever, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with the remaining days of my life, and since then I never stopped writing.
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