Betterlife with steem/ the diary game/ 11 December 2021

in Best of India3 years ago

Hello friends 👋

🦚I hope you would be good and happy. All the best for your journey🐠 on steemit. Thank you for your love💓and support 🙏Keep visiting and keep connected with me🦚

As I mentioned yesterday that my house was on fire 🔥😥😥. In which sofa, bluetooth headphones, sister's new clothes, 2 bags, sister's beauty parlor things, my realme U1 mobile charger, a painting of mine which was hanging on the wall. I made this painting on thermocol about 3 years ago. Due to the heat of the fire, this painting kept away also shrunk. I looked at the wall and wondered where the painting had gone, then saw that it had shrunk and stuck on the wall.

I was very scared. Because all this happened because of my carelessness. Thinking about this, my head was hurting a lot. Because I was about to hear a lot of scolding. My brother @Krishna001 called everyone, my both uncles and my father and told everything. I had no idea what to do. I went and took medicine but still my head rate did not get better. Somehow, by nine o'clock in the night, I felt a little better. The I had dinner and then slept.

Let's start my today's diary

Today I woke up around 7 o'clock. I was feeling better now. But seeing the sofa burnt in the courtyard, I used to get scared. That sofa is the only structure left. One of its legs has also been burnt. Well I freshened up and brushed after that I went to the shop and brought fevicol and wood paint. I applied fevicol to the webbed part of the sofa. Then left it to dry for sometimes.

After some time the burnt part of the sofa structure dried up. Me and my friend painted it together. Now it looked like new. But the part of the place where it is burnt looks like a torn crack. Then I started taking bath. I washed Jacket and some clothes. After that I ate food. It was around 11 o'clock in the morning. I took off my scorched painting and took a picture

My thermocol painting scorched by fire

My sister is cleaning the room which has become an art. A packet of sparklers was kept on the sofa, that too got burnt. I think it caught fire even faster because of it. I am thanking God that I did not burn crackers. Because the monkeys were removed from there in the morning to run away. Otherwise the whole room would have burnt down. Didi washed the room with water. I still haven't forgotten this.

A friend of mine came with whom I had some talk so that my attention would not be lost on that matter. After that my brother and I repaired the electricity board. Because the light of this room is neither on. We brought a wooden board from the market.

Electric board repairing

After making the board, I watched a movie, Money Heist, to refresh the mood. After that my students came. It is late for them to come. Because the school holiday is getting late. Some of them are students from far away who are getting late to go home. I said that you guys can come in the morning, but see what happens.

After I taught them, now I am going to the second tuition. It's 5pm now, I'm going to study there. After studying from there I came home. I have had a cold too. Because one of my students had happened two days ago. Maybe I got a cold because of that. I made tea from didi and took it with namkeen.

Chai and namkin in the evening

My throat is getting itchy. There is some relief after drinking tea. It is seven o'clock in the evening, Didi is getting ready to cook. I said make it poori today. Then after about 1 hour the whole is ready. Now we are going to eat. Beans, cabbage and potatoes are vegetables. I gave food to grandmother and brother and then sat down to eat.

Today's dinner

After dinner I set up my bed and I started writing diary. Started writing at around 8.30 pm, now it is 10.20 minutes. I am going to sleep now.

So good night 🌃 to all of you. Have a sweet 💓Thank you so much 💕I hope you enjoyed my diary. Keep loving and supporting 💞 to my diary.

Thank you so much!💞

Regards: @amansh

#club5050 #club75 #club100

@bestofindia @sapwood


Nice diary bro.keep posting and enjoy.

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