The Masked Reality of Our Society

in STEEMITINLAND2 years ago

The mask we wear is often the first impression people have of us. It's the face we show to the world, the one that defines who we are and what we stand for. But what happens when our mask starts to get in the way of who we really are? When it becomes a source of anxiety, stress and conflict? When it forces us to hide parts of ourselves from others? If you're like many people, your mask may be holding you back from living a full and happy life. But there's no need to stay stuck in your old ways. There are ways to let go of your mask and start living authentically, without fear of judgment or reprisal. Let's take a look at how you can start shedding your old persona and creating a new one that works better for you.

There is a vast difference between who we are and who we want to be.

We often try to change or adapt ourselves to fit into someone else's ideal of who they think we should be, but this only lasts for so long. Eventually, the person we want to be begins to lose their appeal and we're left with ourselves again- a flawed individual that needs love and acceptance just as much as anyone else.


Since the dawn of time, humans have been communicating with one another through spoken words and written sentences. However, in the past few decades, a new form of communication has emerged: social media. Social media is a platform where users can post content about themselves or their organizations online. This content can be seen by other users who are then able to engage with the post by commenting, liking, or sharing it.

While social media has its pros and cons (just like any other form of communication), its undeniable role in our lives is undeniable. Whether we use it to stay connected with friends and family, learn more about current events, or simply pass the time, social media has become an integral part of our lives.


Most of us wear masks in some way or another when we're at work. We put on a persona and act a certain way to conceal who we really are. But is this really necessary? Do we really need to hide our true selves, or is there another way to approach the workplace?

We often wear masks in our personal relationships. We put on a persona to show the world who we are and what we want them to think of us. This can be beneficial in some ways, but it can also be harmful. We may not feel comfortable being ourselves with certain people, leading to tension and conflict. When we don't let our true selves shine through, it can be difficult to build trust and intimacy in our relationships. It's important to be transparent with each other and share who we really are, so that the relationship can grow stronger.

There is a certain level of detachment that people seem to have when it comes to the government and their actions. We are told what to think and how to behave, but we seldom get a true idea of what is truly going on. In today's society, the veil of secrecy is often what keeps us in line. But what if this veil was torn aside? What if we saw our society for the corrupt, fraudulent mess that it really is?



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