Contest: Write a Short Story Taken From Your Life | Family Edition| by @raysdesign|

in STEEMITINLAND3 years ago

Greetings to all the great steemians, am so delighted to be part of this contest,i want to appreciate @abuahmad for organizing this contest.
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While in school, we are taught that "A family can be said to mean a group of people related by blood". This is true, no doubts about that. But as I grew, I realised that family is much more than just DNA and blood relation. The word "family" takes a step further and extends to the people who stuck by you through good times and bad times, regardless of who they are.

My dad passed on when I was a year and 11 months old. We were driven away from my father's house by my father's first and second brothers. Everything was taken away from us. We were in fact stripped of all my father's assets and left with nothing. My dad's junior brother was against the schemes perpetrated, and advised the duo against their actions, but of course they were not going to listen. This is partly because he was the last child of my grandparents. So, as they would assume in their hearts: "what does he know?", right?

My mom took care of my junior brother and I. My dad at the time had two friends who equally did not desert us. Theystood by our side the whole time, they helped with school fees and allowances. My mom started a business,so it really helped us, she was a really strong woman, as we never lacked anything. She was always making sure that everything is provided and in place. So as time went by, when i was almost done with my middle school, getting to high school, one of my dad's friend got involved in an accident, but I thank God it was not serious. He got better and started working again, and importantly still continued to support us. I got admission into high school to the elation of my mom. To crown it all up, things got better, at least for the next 4years. Sadly, immediately i finished high school, mom got sick, and was diagnosed with cancer of the liver, termed in medical jagon (hepato cellular carcinoma). After few months, she died and yet again, I was utterly lonely and alone. Literally, the baton for survival was passed on to me.

Devastated and in a precarious state of mind, I had to start hustling for myself and my junior brother. My dad's junior brother took care of my school fees, my dad's friends kept supporting till now. I am now in my final level in the university and a fashion designer.

IMG_20211013_230305_009.JPGthe dress i made.


Some times, replaying the events of my life, I feel I can't continue with life. But a still voice reminds me every time the negative thoughts set in that my parents would want me to keep pushing forward. This, to a large extent, has been my driving force and momentum. The thought that they would want me to keep going and forge on and on, spurs my inner being a great deal! Though I know that both their presence in my life at this time would have made me thoroughly fulfilled and complete, i have learned to derive strength from the untold arrangement of destiny for my life. It hurts that they are not by my side watching me become the best version of myself, but I am convinced that wherever they are, they are so proud of us.


Nice dress and wish u all the best in ur education

Thank you so much.

Hello @raysdesign. I reached your profile by following a mention on @madilyn02's post.

Your words moved me. Your father must have been really something to have two staunch friends willing to support you and your family for so many years. I would think it is more than just the money. It must be comforting to have someone that you can rely on when you don't have parents.

If I could invite you to the Steem Skillshare community, you might consider offering lessons or you might network with people who might help you with marketing your products.

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