in DTube5 days ago


"NOR IS THERE SALVATION IN ANY OTHER, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12 (NKJV)

Comment: The name of Jesus Christ is the only name given under heaven through which men, humans, must be saved. There is no name of any religion leader through which humans could be saved, It is only through Jesus Christ that God can be accessed (John 14:6).
This is where being born-again, or being a disciple of Christ Jesus, or being a professed believer is different from practicing a religion.
Christianity could be considered a religion or be named alongside with other religions of the world; however, going through Christ Jesus to reach or access God is different, It is not a religion. When you go through Christ Jesus to access God, you establish a relationship with Him—God.
What is a relationship?
It is rendered thus by a dictionary:
a. the state of being connected or related
b. association by blood or marriage; kinship
c. the mutual dealings, connections, or feelings that exist between two parties, countries, people, etc
In other words, relationship means the state of being connected; where mutual dealings or feelings exist between two parties or people.
a. When you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, you are saved or born-again (Romans 10:9,10)—you are reconciled to God and established a relationship with Him (2 Corinthians 5:18).
b. A Believer is said to be righteous when he or she put their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, thus, the righteousness of Jesus Christ was imputed to or laid-on them: "FOR HE [God] MADE HIM [Jesus] WHO KNEW NO SIN TO BE SIN FOR US [mankind or humans], THAT WE MIGHT BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM [Jesus]" (1 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV).

When a relationship is established with God through Christ Jesus, the relationship is expected to grow, like any other relationship.
So, when someone establishes a relationship with God, the person would have to work on the relationship for It to grow and deliver or produce all the benefits or blessings in the relationship.
There are principles that guide every relationship, so, that with God is not exceptional.
a. You would have to understand your partner in the relationship. And, of course, God is the senior or principal partner in your relationship with Him—God.
b. What your partner wants or likes or does not like. Since God is not a physical Being, someone who can be seen physically; He is a Spirit. Your relationship with Him, God, would have to be in the spirit (John 4:24).
c. The next thing is how would you understand Him, God, that the relationship might grow and the necessary benefits be derived through it?
The only means through which God can be known and understood is through His Word, the Bible. Those who walked with Him, God, documented their experiences in the written form, thus, we have the written Word, the Bible.
So, you get to know God through the written Word, the documented experiences of those who had walked with Him.

Therefore, whoever is in a relationship with God, a new believer, would have to be conversant with—versed in or adept at—the written Word, the Bible, in order to know and understand God (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:11).
When the person, the new believer, started practicing what he or she got to know or learned through the written Word, the Bible; they also would begin to have deeper knowledge of Him, God, and the relationship would get strengthened—It will grow into fellowship or communion. It is at this level the believer would begin to derive the maximum benefits of his or her relationship with God.
So, Christianity or being born-again or being a disciple of Christ Jesus is not a religion in which you would have to rigidly follow some rules or laws; in which If you missed any, you would be struck dead by One Supernatural Being known as God. No (Colossians 2:20-23).
Rather, It is a walking with God in a Father-son-or-daughter's relationship, which ultimately resulted in communion or fellowship (John 17:20-22; Galatians 5:13).
Thus, there is no salvation in any other, except Christ Jesus!

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