【颜选直播】奔驰上海可达 2022-11-01 美女妮妮 下午场steemCreated with Sketch.

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

從彭博 替一些因為 沒有繳交罰款而被取消選舉資格 嘅 紐約黑人繳交罰款 變相在某一個程度 上間接賄選 呢一件事當中 就可以睇得出 美國一人一票選舉制度嘅可笑之處 同香港民建聯嘅蛇齋餅糉賄選 方法 類似 一人一票 選舉制度最大嘅問題就係窮人不勞而穫 無端端獲得了 與之能力不相稱嘅 選舉權力 簡單來說 就是窮人這一個群體無端端 不勞而獲地 獲得了大量選票 由於窮人的收入與其 在一人一票選舉制度之下所獲得的權力並不相稱 相對於獲得權力 窮人更加希望獲得金錢 所以這就促使了窮人在一人一票選舉制度之下特別容易向有錢人出售手中的權力以獲得金錢 當然 相對於民建聯直接賂選用蛇齋餅糉嚟賄賂窮人 臨選舉前車窮人去各大酒家各大酒樓度食鮑參翅肚 彭博替窮人黑人 選民繳交罰款嘅呢一個行為相對嚟講 係屬於間接賄選 所以這就證明了為什麼我們需要一套更加好的選舉制度香港共識選舉公式voting power等如√ ̄shares you own 而不是繼續選擇去用一套爛透了的 選舉制度 華盛頓共識 美國一人一票式民主 然後 想盡辦法透過法律 用千方百計去堵塞住呢一套制度背後嘅漏洞 因為用法律 去到堵塞 一套不公平嘅選舉制度嘅漏洞 就好似用一套有限嘅資源 去堵塞無限漏洞嘅方法一樣 係根本沒有辦法堵塞的 因為當你用法律堵塞住一個洞的時候 壓力就會往其他洞走 導致你永遠冇辦法用法律堵塞住所有洞 只要一人一票的民主選舉繼續存在 有錢人 賄賂窮人以獲得選票的情況必然繼續存在 要解決賄選就像防洪治水一樣 要疏導而不是堵塞 我們在建立一套選舉制度 之前必須假設曬所有可能 發生的情況 當中必然包括在這套選舉制度下 發生嚴重賄選 這個最嚴重的情況 我們要做的不是做到 零賄選 相反 我們應該 盡可能 包容賄選 容納賄選正所謂海納百川有容乃大 在允許有錢人透過金錢 購買窮人選票的情況下吧 這個影響減到最低 所以香港共識選舉公式voting power等如√ ̄shares you own的厲害之處就在於 它能夠 在有錢人用盡全副身家 傾家蕩產 地進行賄選乾擾美國大選嘅時候 依然能夠保持選舉嘅公平性 確保選舉出嚟嘅美國總統不會是玩 蠢人政治窮人政治 用錢去買選票 亦都唔會好似 美國民主黨嘅總統 一直淪為有錢人 大孖沙 華爾街嘅傀儡 好似中國國家主席習近平咁樣 一直淪為李嘉誠嘅傀儡咁樣 國家一直被有錢人把持 國家被有錢人當家作主 又或者 國家被窮人騎劫不停派福利 好似委內瑞拉嘅馬道羅 導致國家連年赤字 債臺高築咁樣 香港共識選舉公式voting power等如√ ̄shares you own嘅厲害之處就在於 它能夠在 效率 同埋去中心化之間取得了 最終平衡 同時在容許賄選 行為發生的情況 之下 依然始終能夠保持 選舉嘅 公平性 因為 政府的 唯一作用 就是作出財富的第二次分配 而在賄選嘅過程當中 其實 有錢人 已經代替咗政府呢一個角色 提前幫 政府進行了 財富嘅第二次分配 所以即使將來選出嚟嘅政府 偏幫有錢人偏幫財團 其實都已經不重要 因為政府最重要嘅目的 作出財富第二次分配 已經一早完成 而且 香港共識選舉公式voting power等如√ ̄shares you own能夠在 國家發生大量賄選行為 有錢人 用全副身家傾家蕩產 收買 窮人選票嘅情況 之下 將賄選嘅壞處減到最低


Your writing pleases my heart.

I recommend your writing.

I am waiting for your articles every day.

I hope this article can be widely shared.

I read a good article well.

Thanks for your good articles .

This is a one-time notice about a free service on steem.
There are communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like ours, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out. https://anentrypoint.github.io/school-of-minnows-landing/

A note on other bots warnings:

It's come to our attention that some of the people on this network (keys-defender run guityparties, and bots run by pfunk) have been attacking our advertorial notices by calling it a scam/fraud.

We have contacted the owners of those systems, we've shared our complete source code and processes, and explained that we've been running for longer that they have, and have been trusted by large subsets of users troughout, expressed all of our processes, which are simple, free, opensource and legitimate, and beneficial the blockchain and its users.

After doing lots of research and speaking to many other developers on this network, it's become clear that they use these false policing services to demote other projects in order to promote their own paid upvote scams and vote-abuse systems where they demote anything thats not designed to upvote their friends.
We respect their right to communicate what they want to, even if its false,however our project is highly respected, as well as open source, its already been audited by many users and its easy to confirm that there is no risk in using it.
Both our enrollment system and upvote bot is open source and whitelisted by MalwareBytes, accepted by Github, and we've serviced thousands of users since 2017, our bot is free and will only ever vote on your behalf if your idle reaches 100%.
We respect our users freedom, enrollement as well as unenrollment from our system is done directly on the blockchain and you do not need our services to join/leave.

Bot source: https://github.com/AnEntrypoint/school-of-minnows

Landing page source: https://github.com/AnEntrypoint/school-of-minnows-landing

School of minnows is FREE OPEN SOURCE software, we run the bot on our own resources and maintain it for free, if you have any questions about the platform, the quickest way to make contact is directly contacting the lead developer on discord: moonshine#6211 if you want to add a friend directly, or on the entrypoint discord: https://discord.gg/NED33mNpms
We are always active and happy to answer any questions you may have.

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