Unlock the Simple Formula for Quickly Forming Life-Changing Habits!

in DTubelast year

If your daily habits suck, your life is going to suck as well! Your life will be going down like you've been tied to a rock and thrown into the ocean! That kind of life sounds... fishy!

Jokes aside, building better habits is the best way to improve your life and ensure a bright future for yourself!

But you might wonder:

"I know why habits are important, but how do I actually build new habits?"

I gotcha covered my friend.

In this video, I'm going to walk you through the step-by-step process that will allow you to upgrade your current habits so that you can achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life! In just 26 minutes, I'll simplify the entire habit building process that took me YEARS to figure out!

So let's dive right on in:

Firstly, in this video I'm gonna cover the #1 factor for both good and bad habits:

Your eyes!

If you're confused as to what your eyes have to do with building habits, it's this: Ever gone about your day like normal, when suddenly you SAW the ice cream store? You had no intention of getting ice cream, but here we are...

Part of building habits is about the cues in your environment.

If you want better habits in your life, start setting up as many cues in your environment as you can. Place your gym clothes prominently in the house, have a book on top of the remote, have reminders on your phone, use post-it notes, and so on. Make sure your environment constantly reminds you to stick to your great habits!

Another success factor in creating better habits is to just get started.

Oftentimes, people create mountains for themselves when trying (and inevitably) failing to create better habits. If you've never been to the gym in years, telling yourself to go for 2 hours every day is a HUGE obstacle. So instead create the habit of just setting foot in the gym!

When building habits, make them so small that there are no excuses possible!

The ONLY goal is getting started!

Because when you've now set foot in the gym, you're gonna look like a court jester if you immediately turn around and leave again. So you would tell yourself to do one machine, and then another one, and another one. And then, as you've gotten started, you suddenly end up being able to continue on autopilot!

The video goes into more details, but one thing I like to point out is this:

When building positive habits, you want to reinforce them positively. One way to do this could be attaching some form of reward. Note that this can backfire because your mind might want to skip the good habit and jump straight to the reward instead!

To avoid this, here's how I recommend reinforcing new habits:

Celebrate and enjoy the journey!

When you do the thing you set out to do, celebrate yourself for doing it! And mentally link your activity to the goal you want to achieve. You can literally tell yourself: "Hell yeah, I went to the gym today! This helps me get in the best damn shape of my life!". By doing this, you reinforce your good habit and make it more likely to have the habit stick!

Use these steps to start building better habits in your life!

And as always:

If you enjoyed this video, please share it with something that you care about! The journey of personal development & life in general is more enjoyable when going through it together! Also, please give this video a quick thumbs up, as this helps the video get seen by more people!

Thank you, and I appreciate you!

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