Steem Cameroon Contest - Public Service day (Nigeria)

in Steem Cameroon9 days ago (edited)


Public service day is culled from the fact that there are set of people who work towards the progress of the society. This set of people is known as civil servant or public servant. Public service spread across different field of human Endeavour like engineering, teaching, nursing, general medical field, etc.

This institution has been in existence for years and it’s fully operational. At a time, these public servants weren’t given the dignity they deserve. It came to a point that there were referred to inferior beings in the society. 23rd June is the day assigned by UN to celebrate members of the public service. This event is usually annually and is observed by different parts of the world.


What do I know about the day?

This mascot represents a set of leaves which is used in United Nations logo. Inside the circle, we have a scale and hand like structure. It's significance is for unity. Together, public servants can achieve a lot of they works together in harmony and peace.

Description of the Mascot

The effect of this day to the public service and society include the following:

  • Restoring the dignity of the public service: As I said earlier, there were times that people and the general society despise the member of the public service. This greatly affected their productivity and output to the society. Bur due to this day, that error has been corrected and dignity is back to the public service.
  • Arena for their complaint: since the members of the public service are human beings, then there are things bothering them. This day is a great arena to make those complaint known to the appropriate authorities. These complaints maa range from insufficient paycheck to molestation and other complaints. By this, they are relieved because they are expecting answers.
What are the changes you think this day has brought to your community

The active promoter of this day is the United Nations. Apart from the United Nations, another stern supporters of this day is most countries of the world like my country, Nigeria.
It I am to contribute to the progress of this day, I'll join in the sensitization program to help the public servants. This sensitization may go a long way in helping them and the society at large.

I invite @bossj23, @saintkelvin17 and @usoro01 to this contest.

Who are the active promoter, and my impact to this day