MONDAY MOTIVATION: Take Care of Your Foundation

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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Hello steaming Steemians, I hope you had a blessed day.

A foundation is that core structure or anchor every building, person, situation needs to prevail through all possible storms;

If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
Psalms 11:3

Most often, when the word "foundation" is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is a house or building. We forget to understand that nothing in life is built without a foundation. Just as the builder makes sure he sets a firm foundation before raising every building, for every business, family, marriage and even the body to stay firm, the foundation has to be strong so as not to fall. The big question here is; Why do some Christians fall in life?

We will most often see an engineer build very strong and durable buildings but have a broken marriage. This is because he/she thinks that only things that are seen have foundations. In the same way as the strength of the human skeleton (foundation) or that of a building determines the weight it will carry, so does that of a Christian determine how firm, apt, grounded he/she will be when the storms and winds of the world come attacking. Now, how then can a Christian have a strong foundation?

Every building is only as good as its architect, therefore your marriage, family, business etc., reflect who you are and where you got your building materials from. The faith of some people fail leading to broken homes, families, businesses because they lean their lives on a faith that has a weak forndation;

Every building is built by a person, but the one who builds all things is God.
Hebrews 3:4

If we decide today to mend our foundations, what ever structure we decide to build will stand strong, our businesses will thrive no matter how the economic situation presents itself, our homes, families and relationships will resist all storms that may arise. Equally, every structure needs maintaining every now and then. Who can better maintain a structure other than the original architect? Its therefore not late for any desperate cases, the God(architect) who created us all is therefore the best person to whom we should take the weak foundations of out marriages, homes, relationships, businesses and faith for mending and correction so as to live a life of rest;

Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

The only way therfore to get the right connection to the fixing powers of this amazing architect, God our creators is through the WORD OF GOD. In there, are all the building materials and of premium quality, we need to build any part of our lives.

Jesus answered, it is written: man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4

While anticipating to share with you in my next post, the real reason why we were created, I wish to thank you all for reading through this piece. I pray it speaks to someone and actually drives that person to review their roots.

Have a steam filled week.

 3 years ago 

May God bless you for making many of us understand the importance of foundation in both christian life and construction

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Thanks for the concern

 3 years ago 

Lizzybebs, you are welcome

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