ASCENDING TO THE TOP (Leadership) : Sequel 3

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

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Good morning steaming Steemians and welcome to our third sequel. From the first sequel, we've been on a journey towards understanding who a Godly leader is, the path that leads us there and how to use that path when we identify it. It's of interest to be reminded that; knowledge will show you the end, understanding will show you the path and wisdom will show you how to use that path.


The bible clearly demonstrates with several stories and lives of men of God who actually portrayed the ability to use knowledge, understanding and wisdom to achieve the admired heights of Godly leadership. Let's look at the hidden mysteries in Joseph's story.

You might be tempted to say "I've read Joseph's story and I know about it from childhood", but what about Joseph's story is active in your life? Has it brought you to the top like Joseph? Or you are still struggling in your own might and strength. There is the path way to the top, God's way, and that's what we want to see.

The life of Joseph is remarkable. His father, Jacob loved him most because he was the child of his old age even though the last born was Benjamin. His brothers nursed a lot of envy towards him for that. Secondly, he was so loved by his father because he always reported the wrong doings of his brother to their father, and they hated him for that. His dreams also became the reason for his hatred, and that was the worst one that got their attention.

Not to over belabor the facts concerning Joseph's dreams, God has been giving you dreams about the top. There is no one of God, to whom He gives dreams for the bottom. All His dreams speak of us being at the top of everything we are doing, especially in this present dark world. Being at the bottom doesn't profit the kingdom at all. You may want go asking that; "what if all of us are at the top, who then will rule?". Then you don't understand what being at the top is. Being at the top means being a reference, an example, being in a position wherein you can serve people acceptably, being in position of influence and authority where you can inspire change. And so, all of us in the kingdom can be at the top, and so every one of us should be excelling.

God gives dreams, His dreams always show us the things He wants us to do or become. It speaks of the light of the top. So Joseph, being at the bottom then, saw himself at the top, saw himself in a position of leadership as an example of authority. God does not do things carelessly, by chance, for He is a very intentional God and every time you see God at work in a man's life then it simply means that the word of God is first of all active in that man's life.

  • who was Joseph?
  • How does Joseph's story justify the word of God?
  • Can this story be replicated in our lives today?

Note that, the moment you receive a dream from God and you accept it, things will start moving in harmony with that dream. Sometimes the things may not look nice to you but they'll end well, they will bring you to the place of joy. According to Daily Devotional by Pastor Daniel Nyah, A down turn does not mean down.

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.
- Psalms 30:5

As you progress through the phases of your dream, there can be stages that look as though you are taking a downturn, but the truth of the matter is, you aren't going down. For instance, with Joseph's dream being at the top, he instead found himself being in a pit, thrown in by his brothers. How does being on top relates with being thrown into a pit? From there, he was sold to the Egyptians. Remember Joseph is from Israel, a righteous nation and Egyptians were an unrighteous or pagan nation. Its never by might, but by the spirit (very fundamental and important). Why is God leading Him to and ungodly land?

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Now in Egypt, he was taken into the house of Potipha (officer of Pharoah). Genesis 39:2 gives us the key "... and the Lord was with Joseph...";

The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.
- Genesis 39:2

Every one of God's child who seeks to be at the top must secure the understanding that the Lord being with you is the absolute requirement for a prosperous life, full of rest and peace. If the bible should emphasize that "... and the Lord was with Joseph...", what then happens when the Lord isn't with you? That's the question. Sometimes, even in a pit, the Lord is with you, but something must trigger the lord to be with you. So the question should be ; what makes the Lord to be with you? One thing you should note is that, the Lord being with you isn't a prayer topic. Most will be like; "Lord be with me, Lord be with me, and so on...?" You can't be asking the Lord to be with you and at the same time, you are walking the ways of the world. Will He come to be with you to pursue your ungodly agenda, to pursue your lust, your own ambitions? No, God can't be with you on that. He only will be with you if His dreams for you is your desire, is your pursuit.

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Someone too might say; "Well, I'm in a pit, its God's will". God's will does not last for ever. Joseph was in a pit temporarily, for a season, a few days or maybe hours. So don't justify your situation as being God's will. There can be a downturn but it's heading somewhere. The question now to you is; How long have you been in that downturn? Don't justify a downturn which is coming because you are not in God's will. So don't sit in that pit, instead of adjusting the cause, you will be saying; "The Lord is with me in this situation." The Lord promised us in the book of Isaiah;

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
- Isaiah 43:2

We should note that the above quote will only happen to those who are journeying with God, praising God in their downturn, in their prison etc,. Look at Paul and Silas, these men were journeying with God and right there in the prison God was with them. The prison foundations shook, the gates broke open and the chains were loosened. God was with them, how long did they stay in the prison? So when you journey with your dreams, there may arise some difficult moments which aren't there to destroy you but are bringing you to the place that God has prepared for you.

This lesson is very important especially today because if we stay in the pit, we will bow down to the decisions and laws of the wicked at the top. Most Christians are employees under ungodly bosses and this may be an opportunity to change the status quo. The life of Joseph teaches us that we can still be in charge of the position that worldly people are in, even if we don't occupy it. Joseph being as a slave was in charge.

We've come to the end of this sequel and I'm sure you are blessed. Did you ever interpret or see the application of this first part of Joseph's story this way? If yes, then great and I hope you are walking in that light. If you didn't see through the story the way we have presented it, then it's not too late. You can start applying it right there, where you are. Our next sequel will unfold even more mysteries and applications about Joseph's journey to the top after being sold to the Egyptians and how it could apply to our lives. Make sure you dont miss out.

As usual, feel free to share your views in the comment section and do not hesitate to share and bless more souls with this knowledge.

Thank you

 3 years ago 

That quote of passing through rivers and God being with you is a testimony of my life and It came with faith May God continue to use you to enrich orders

 3 years ago 

@menti-josline, AMEN and AMEN.
I'm glad you were blessed.
Thank you for reading

 3 years ago 


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