Understanding Market And Personal Sense Of Application

in Steem Cameroonlast year (edited)

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Hello Steemian's ,

Kind regards to each and everyone person's here on Steemit ecosystem . And primarily same get extending to Steem Cameroon Community .

Reality is as this new year's get going , we should hope for best . By special grace from the true Creator , who alone do cares for us all .

While just did thinking on what nature of title to get , base my write up. It happens I did have this very thought relations on , how this particular physical world of human habitation can be closely relates to a market.

That's just the concept and absolute reason I did choose this given title : Understanding market and personal sense of application . Upon all , now let me do get on it briefly.

About Market


Here within this very true Creator's given Earth as an integrated habitation , for all humans mainly. And all existence and existing living and none living things .

The humans main physical environment can't get surviving and become highly interesting , without an exchange of goods with designated values accordingly. Now going by that , should get know term Market of any nature can be closely refer as a place where 💰 money and or an assigned currency . Can get exchange for given corresponding desirable goods or commodities .

The process involve in an exchange can be popularly fetch as purchase or buy . Any given person's can only get more and possibly all his or her heart desirable goods and stuffs of any given nature , from the market . Base on what known as purchasing power or enough money to buy things .

Market Reality

Reality about market is that with no money . As a person's even an organization can't get buy or purchase any given stuffs .

So money is the total strength for an exchange of goods to get , take place . Of which without no exchanged can be certain and definite.

Otherwise on credit which never being accepted generally.

That was mainly for the general visible market within our humans world and habitation, the Earth.

The Gift Of Life from God As Market

Is being popularly known in religious terms that , the true Creator God Jehovah . Did created both heaven and Earth and all within them . Most importantly for humans is the gift of life we are living as human beings . Here on the Earth , that alone being kind of gifted reasons humans should praise and give glory to God the True Creator.

The Gift Of Life In Relation To Market

Facts indeed should be that , no any human can get into the market and purchases or buys anything or stuffs. Without , getting to have personal desires and needs for certain stuffs or goods . And also stands to have the required amount of money capable to purchase or buy those things , that such given person's did desires.

Same do get applicable to real gift of life . Here on Earth , no given human can get recognize themselves as such . Without first being given birth to and get grown to live choice lifestyles here on Earth .

So when , an individual human do desires to get lead personal lifestyles. The world become more intense , more as the market place .

There you get , note . In market place , you only get buy base on your amount of money and worth of your needs.

If the worth of your personal needs gets more than the money or value on you . There might likely be an impossibility for such a human to gain his needs. Except such person's quickly changes his or her mind for something different. And same time equate the an amount of money or worth of value.

So in life market , humans only get met their desires base on the applicable of mount of an equate money value . In relation to personal exposure .

Note , no Steemian's likely get met steemit by personal self . But , was being introduced by some other person's who hast been already a Steemian .

In this large world we human living to buy and get return to eternity , base on an amount of an exposures to the word of the True Creator and God Jehovah.

Because , according to the words of the True Creator sayst : those who do know their God (exposures and genuine acknowledging) shall do exploits.

Here on Earth we humans can always do meet our desires and needs in life . If only believe and praying that , the true Creator keep silence not . For the wicked to torments us and force us to suffering unnecessarily.








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