My diary game; 19/01/2025: Celebrating A Happy Sunday.

My day
Hello guys greetings to you all and welcome to @rafk blog. What an amazing time out here and I am so happy to share with you my Diary. Spending Sunday services is one of the coolest way to honor God in all the things he has done and is still doing in our lives
I woke up this day really excited as It is a worship day. Lot of things to catch up in the week. Finally, I have to spend one of the days and most interesting days in the house of the Lord. Very early in the morning, I began my day by cleaning up some stuff around the house and the environment.
Back on, I proceed by doing some laundry and equally making sure I clean my house as well. Making sure they're in zero was well. Sparkling before I proceed with other activities of the day. Done with this section, I proceed it to check out what I could prepare for breakfast. Church service these days are taking much longer than expected so one can never present when the closing time will eventually match in.
Checking around the house then, there is not much to prepare, but at least there is something, fried plantains with egg. It's actually delicious and that is going to at least hold my stomach after the time which I should be having knowledge so I quickly peel them and then fry them equally alongside with some eggs which I ate for breakfast
From here, I moved to the bathroom to take a bath after which I quickly dressed up as time for church was already approaching. Rounding up in a matter of minutes, I was soon ready for church. I check around to see if everywhere was locked before leaving the house.
From my entrance I took a bike to Church. Normally it should take around 10 minutes maximum to arrive church since the area is not that far from me. Equally. As predicted, I arrive in church when it was already 9:25 a.m.. A bit 5 minutes Early, I decided to move quietly to a Well ventilated seat. Where all the fans could reach me owing to the fact that we are in a very humid town and the temperatures are usually Wild.
Soon afterwards procession began with the pastors and elders moving in with songs of praise and prayers immediately as they reach the alter, The whole church sat down. The congregation praise team proceeded with some worship songs which lighten of the environment before the reading of the first and second lessons for the or from the book of Exodus.
Proceeding, there was the reading of the text of the day of which was right in the book Exodus chapter 3 beginning from the 1st verse where God called Moses from the burning bushes I'm gave him a message to go liberate the Israelites from Egypt then elaborate on this text and break it down into simple forms relating to real life problems we are facing today. It was an amazing breakdown after all and the whole church was amazed when he was done. Preaching.
Service going on
Done with the text of the day, it is time for an announcement, the chairperson then moves forward to give the announcement of the day starting with statistics of last Sunday and within the week ,Sunday your friends collection and information based on other aspects and speaking of readers of next week's lessons and preacher equally.
After this, We then proceeded with collection of the Sunday offerings from which it was made up of two baskets, one for communion and the other for Sunday offerings. This activity did not take long before it was rounded up. The rest of the same one then continue with prayers for offerings and intercession, prayers for the needy And those not in good health.
Last but not the least, benediction arrived and we were all wished a happy Sunday as the church closed at this point. Everyone then move out while discussing with one of two persons As we move home to our various locations.
Quite a big Sunday, I could not just leave without having at least a picture or two to commemorate this day and celebrate it in Grand style. I quickly back one of my church member to take me some shots before I left to my house.
After service
From here, I quickly took a bike from my entrance to the house. At some point I have to stop and buy some fruits which I will keep for the week and equally this will serve as extra snack when I'm not in the mood to Cook in the evenings..
Arriving the house, I quickly change and lie a bit to relax. This was like 10 minutes and I was back up. I proceed to work on some some project on my laptop which is programming as I am learning the basics. So I was trying to capture some basic tips until reaching Java before proceeding with the rest of my day.
Working on a program
This is part.where I spend the rest of my Sunday. Later on the evening I was already exhausting and then took out myself for a little walk Like 15 minutes before getting back to the house.
Behold, it was an amazing Sunday and I enjoyed it so much. Equally I want to thank God for a successful day like this And thank you too for reading out my diary up to this point. I do appreciate your effort, kind gesture and comments. Keep supporting @rafk blog.
Best regards to: @rafk
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