Breaking the sprits of inferiority

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

The following are the step to break the inferiority sprits as follows

  • contentment: this simply mean for a believer to be contented with what so ever he/she is in possession it is act of been joyful in the lord , been happy and joyous with what you have and believing God for a better life as you work productively to better the life this happened to be a solution as it is the key to happiness in life as it creat a favourable and conducive environment.


  • the second point is to reknewal of your mind as the Bible state that be not confirmed unto this world but by the reknewal of your mind . As a child of God our mind are reknew with the words of God and other essential material that can help boost your faith in Christ Jesus, we are to meditate on the words of God alone, as the mind is the greatest asset as the words of God said in the book of Joshua 1:8

This book of the lord shall not depart from thy mouth but meditate it day and night so that whatever you do shall be prosperous

Talking about the other materials apart from the word of God thing like the videos, music we listened to will determine our reasoning, because the wealth of an unbeliever is vain because the source is questionable because they use such wealth not to the glory of God but for expanding the kingdom of darkness.

  • declaring the words of God, when the devil brings in fear is to make you feel inferior with some sort of Temporal gift declare the word that said your greatest priority is to expand the kingdom of God via declaring the words of God via evangelism and to do his will alone as we all know how Satan used Peter to trape Jesus in the book of mark 8:27;3 as we are to make the words of the to guard our soul as the Bible state in Mathew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God and his rightousess for everything shall be added unto you don't give the devil the opportunity to manipulate you with the sprits of inferiority
 2 years ago 

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