#@steemcameroon: The Diary Game by @ngwerast: 04/04 /2022

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Greetings to you all great steemians. Here is another episode of my diary Game. I live in douala and we all know how the city is when it comes to raining seasons.


Morning session.
As usual, I woke up at about 6:30 a.m, after praying I went straight into the bathroom to take my bath and prepare for work. When I was bathing, I noticed through the window that the cloud was so dark, immediately it was wind, very strong wind. So I hurriedly finished bathing, dressed 👗 up, and did light make-up. When I was done with this, I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for myself. After taking breakfast, the rains started falling, and it was very heavy. I waited for the rain to cease alittle so I can go can go to work. The rain finally reduced around 8:10 a.m, and I left for work. I stopped a bike to Akwa MTN, which is exactly where I work, but it wasn't easy getting a at 400f (the same fare I normally pay every morning to work). Just because it rained, the bike riders increased their fare. Finally, I took one bike at 500f, and It was still raining heavily.




Afternoon session
I arrived work, went into the rest room immediately to clean up my body, because I was all socked up by the rain and dirty water. When I was done cleaning up my self, I signed in and immediately started working. My day was smooth, no measure issues except at the end of the day. At about 5:10p.m, our team leader called us for a meeting. We had the meeting and the outcome wasn't good for me. We were told that we will now start work at 8a.m and close at 6p.m. I raised my hand to asked why. Bit the team leader said henceforth, it will be like that without giving and reason for the change. So, I became so annoyed and told her that they is no way I will be working 11 hours per day without tangible reason. Then, one my colleague said I was challenging the team leader. So I asked him that, how is me being expressive and defensive a challenge? We left the meeting by 5:45p.m.

Evening session
After work, I didn't go home immediately because I had a parcel to collect at bonaberi an entre alucem. So, I took a bike to no bonaberi, and arrived by 6:30pm, waited for the parcel, collected and finally left by 7:30pm. At about 8:20p.m, I was home. I immediately went into the bathroom to take my evening bath. After that, I went into the kitchen to heat left over eru and garri I cooked on Sunday the 03/04/2022. After heating, I ate, watched movies and Emmanuel TV to relax myself alittle. At about 23:45, I prayed and went bed. That's was how I spent my Monday of 04/04/2022.

Moral lesson: keep working hard, there is no hardwork without a reward.


 2 years ago 

which is exactly where I work, but it wasn't easy getting a at 400f (the same fare I normally pay every morning to work)

As a Duala-based Boss lady, you should know by now that when it rains, it is not funny having a bike at the usual price. hahahahah. The good thing is that you finally got to work on time which is what your employee wants from you.

At about 5:10p.m, our team leader called us for a meeting.

Meeting are very important when they are urgent announcements to be made, like the one you guys had. I think your team leader has a good reason for changing the time. Making money is the ultimate goal, so leaders will do everything to make more profit for the company.

Was nice reading from you, you have to work on your markdown so as to make your post look more presentable. keep up

Steem On!

 2 years ago 

Hey @fombae, my sincere apologies for late reply. You know, i learn every day the more I stay on the platform. I didn't know much about commenting on commented posts, but I know much and promise to do just the things.
☺️ As for that rain eehh, one just need to keep powering up more steem rewards and get a small stanlet car to handle the season. Me no like unnecessary stress yaa.😊
But I thought meetings are held during working hours!? Anyways, as you richly said , the original goals for a company is profit making, the leaders will often go extra mile to reach their quotas even if it's detrimental to the workers. So no complaints.

I go just continue to steem and eat .🍜 💃

 2 years ago 

get a small stanlet car

This part sweet me well well. hahahahahah
I'm very impressed with your efforts on the steemit platform, keep up. As I always tall you, you will be a boss someday and you will see the need for meetings. No matter the time, so long it is for the benefit of the company.

When you are eating, dont for me, me I love the eating part. I will try to continue to steem like you.


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