Diary Game

in Steem Cameroonlast month

Greetings dear Steemians!

Today was a fantastic day! I attended my little brother's graduation ceremony.

There, I got the chance to watch them perform songs and participate in lively debates, like the one on whether "Phones are distractions." The students presented very strong and relatable arguments on this topic. I was thoroughly entertained by their impressive dancing and acting skills.


My brother won a couple of prizes, and I was especially happy because his younger brother, who is currently in Primary 5 and has just been promoted to Primary 6, was there to witness it. I hope this entire experience inspires him to keep working hard, knowing he'll be graduating too, hopefully in 2025.


Sitting as the parent of a graduate was a truly special experience for me as well. I learned a lot from the children, particularly from their debate and news broadcasting segments. The Primary 5 pupils even presented news reports on recent happenings in the country, including the Fecafoot issue. It was wonderful to witness.


It was also heartwarming to see the head teacher dancing with the kids. She had been battling health issues and even underwent surgery. Seeing her walk so strongly was a relief. The teachers surprised her with gifts to express their gratitude for her strength and resilience in overcoming this life-threatening illness. It was an emotional moment, with both the head teacher and other teachers breaking down in joyful tears.

Afterward, she delivered a speech thanking the teachers for their love, support, and prayers throughout her difficult ordeal.

nce all the activities were completed, certificates and prizes were awarded to the top students in various categories. As parents were heading to the reception center, I took the opportunity to speak to the Primary 5 pupils and encourage them to work hard when they return from their long summer break. I told them that they all have the potential to achieve great things and that I firmly believe in them.

Seeing the love and affection that exists between the teachers of CBC Menda,Nkwen Bamenda, Cameroon 🇨🇲 reminded me of the beauty of living in harmony with one another. Overlooking our differences and living in peace and love gives life quality that is fulfilling and rewarding.

Jim Rohn said "it's not how long you live, but how well you live how long you live."

Peace ✌️


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