Who are the best people to lead or guide the world? YOU!

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago


Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else?

YOU are the leader we’ve been searching for!
I think the best person to lead or guide the world is YOU!
I mean YOU reading this now. What about YOU who is writing this?
Oh! I guess YOU writing this and YOU reading this right now are the best people to lead or change the world.
Why YOU?
Because it begins with YOU?
YOU can be the change you seek in the world.
YOU are because I am and I am because YOU are.
In fact YOU are the change you seek in the world.
How do YOU want a great world when YOU are not creating a great world?
Why are YOU worried? It’s not a herculean task!
Perhaps you are thinking YOU must be a Politician, Philosopher, Parent, Academician, etc. NO!
YOU need to be just YOU to lead the world.
Being just YOU only requires that you should respect and affirm the dignity of the human person, be just, honest, and hold a bag of positive virtues that can create the change you seek.
And to bring about the change YOU seek in the world only requires that you start building ARKs
Not the Noah’s Ark! I mean Acts of Random Kindness.
ARKs can change the world and it’s the little good things we do randomly that can change the world.
To take over Global leadership needs that you should start thinking globally and acting locally. If YOU reading and me writing effectively engaged in local actions, we will create a giant global effect. Remember, little drops can form an ocean
To be the change YOU seek, start by changing YOURSELF.
How am I leading the change?
I am leading the change in my community and it started with me changing myself and perhaps that's one of the reasons why i founded @thegreens.

Mr. Green Footer.jpg


Mr. Green is Founder/Executive Director of;

The Greens Fyooter.jpg

 3 years ago 

To be the change YOU seek, start by changing YOURSELF.

You have said it all in few sentences, everyone little actions in his or her conner is the change. This can only happen if we take the action.

Thanks, was really touching.
Let steem on

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