in Steem Cameroonlast month

Hello beautiful people, I'm once more excited to being my diary to you all. Just read through and enjoy yourself.

I woke up this morning very excited and happy about how the day will go on. I went to the bath and got my bath and immediately sent my bike out to make it steam a little before I take it out. As it finished to steam I opened the gate and headed to work immediately.

I had a lot to do today, I arrived at work at 7:45am and left again immediately to make sure the dress I was to put on for the wedding was set and ready. So I went to the pressing and got it washed and ironed. Profited and passed through the park to secure our seats (my pastor and I). This is the second outing I am doing with my pastor as his PA (Personal Assistant).

I got the tickets and immediately went back to work and had few patients, at 12pm I left and went home to pack my stuff and prepare for the journey at 3pm. The time arrived and I ironed every thing together with the hankies and refreshments before leaving home. When I was done I left for the park and met him there.

We were leaving for one of a church brother's wedding which my pastor was the officiating minister. So the traditional wedding was that Friday night. The journey was quite long, but it was worth it because we had a great time to chat in the bus from 3pm to 7:30pm. We arrived Yaoundé at that time but traffic was the talk of the day.

Finally we arrived town and had to stop by a restaurant to get something to eat first before heading to the lodge. We finished and called the groom to come collect us but the grand had left for the traditional wedding already. I was wondering if this guy knew what he was doing, because he happens to be a Gabonese and the lady a Cameroonian. So he didn't know how it is done here in Cameroon.

Papa ready for thee traditional wedding

My pastor and I arrived the hotel and got a room, freshened up, and finally someone took us to the venue at 9pm. The ceremony was yet to begin as usual. We sat there together with the groom's family till at past midnight and the ceremony then began. The bride's father led prayers and then we began by eating first and then the marital rites began immediately.

Discussion with the groom's family

The items were given and the family accepted. This thing took about 3 hours and finally we took pictures with the couple and my father and I went back home. We had to trek a good distance because it was night and very late. Funny enough, we lost our way at some point and thank God for some drunkards who were dancing who directed me the way.

IMG_20240518_014356_996.jpgThe couple already set together

We finally arrived the road and then got at bike, when we arrived the hotel, the gateman was busy sleeping at that hour. We stood there for long while till finally we got in and rested at 3:50am. It was really a stressful journey as I finally found sleep only at 4:30am I had to be awake at 7am to prepare.

Thank you for reading and God bless you.

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