Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 8 (Week 2) || Gender visibility and equality
Hi steemians,
Women represent half of the world's population, and therefore half of its potential. Gender equality, besides being a basic human right, is fundamental to making societies integrated and achieving sustainable development.
In this context, the community Steem Cameroon organized a competition under the name Gender visibility and equality , one of the competitions for the 2nd week of season 8 in the Steemit engagement Challenge, to discuss what we think about this topic. I wish you a useful reading.
👉🏾 How can you help your community forge a gender-equal world?
My answer to this question will be quick, but I'll back it up with an experience I watched in one of the videos that will reinforce my point.
The ideal solution or mechanism that will help us spread the culture of gender equality is to instil its principles in children from the years when the child begins to think, whether at school or at home. , because these are the first moments when the beacons are placed in his head.
As I said, I watched a video clip that was created in a Western school on gender equality, where children around ten years old are asked to divide into groups consisting of a boy and from a girl, each group is given a bowl, and then several balls of blue and pink colors are scattered. They are picked up at random by the children without color distinction. After a few minutes, the teacher stops the game so that we can see the joy within each group of both sexes and their pride in their contribution to catching the balls.
Then, when the prizes are awarded, the boys close their eyes, and when they open them again, they find that the girls have shared the prizes with them, since they have done the same work as the boys, and despite the resentment of some boys about it, in the end they agreed to split their reward with the opposite sex.
A clever experiment delivered several messages between the two sexes without vertical projection of ideas in a dry and vague way.
👉🏾 Can celebrating Women's International day increase visibility and equality?
On International Women's Day we celebrate the achievements of women. By the word "woman" we mean everyone who is characterized by this term, regardless of their religion, color or social class.
Over the past years, women have brought creativity and important services to all levels of society, from the home to the office, laboratory and boardroom. However, their achievements and contributions are often ignored, not recognized, or even belittled. Today is a reminder to appreciate those who are usually forgotten or pushed to the side.
As we unite in celebration of International Women's Day, we also acknowledge that true gender equality does not yet exist anywhere in the world. One in three women will experience gender-based violence in her lifetime. Women still get paid less than men for the same work, and do 3 times as much unpaid housework and care. In many countries, women do not have equal access to land, credit, or economic and educational opportunities, so when disaster strikes, it is often women who suffer the most.
👉🏾 Are the Feminism fight and the Women’s Rights fight the same?
Definitely not the same thing. Feminists only recognize the advantages that men get and the obstacles that women encounter, they do not recognize the opposite.
And if you mentioned to them the obstacles that men face, either they told you to get up and don't cry, or they told you that the men's obstacles are nothing compared to what the women suffer (for example, they have the compulsory recruitment of men and sending them to the battlefronts is not worse than preventing abortions for women).
And if you mention to them the privileges women get, they either deny it, or they change the subject and start accusing you personally, "How dare you talk about women's privileges, do you want to take away from us even the little that we have above the suffering we suffer? By God, patriarchal thinking is a disaster."
In conclusion, you will never be able to engage in a rational discussion with them. The responses are emotional and they tell you what you did not say and attack your person are traits that no feminist does not have one of them. They demand equality and that the man sacrifice his social advantages, but when you ask them what advantages the woman will sacrifice For the sake of equality, they told you how dare you demand more sacrifices from the woman who sacrificed so much. They want the privileges of others, and they also want to preserve their privileges. The time of interest is equal, not the time of burdens.
👉🏾 What do you say about women in top positions like Presidents, Parliamentarians, Senators, CEOs (Chief Executive Officers), and COO (Chief Operations Officers)? Give possible examples in your country(community)
In my opinion, I see that the accession of women to high leadership positions within the State is not only based on gender equality, more than that she is able to manage complex situations with competence, and women have proven themselves in several social, economic and even political fields, and we have Angela Merkel, the iron woman, as a good example.
In my country, Tunisia, women have also held several leadership positions, perhaps the most important of which is the presidency of the current government, Najlaa Boudin. Despite the difficult circumstances that the country is going through, she is doing an excellent job, both internally and externally, participating in several international seminars such as the Davos Forum, where she raised many issues of concern for the whole of the humanity and brought solutions, which was welcomed by many countries.
👉🏾 What makes a Good Leader (Gender or merit)
The most beautiful thing I have read about leadership is that the successful leader is the one who makes leaders, not the one who has followers. Definitely! There is no relationship between a good leader and his gender.
For me, good leadership has nothing to do with the gender of the leader, whether he is male or female, the only thing he is held accountable for is his ability to bring together the members of the group he is leading and ensure the best means of comfort for them so that they give their best, and we have many examples in the platform, through my work as an organizer In many teams, I was a leader , and I ceded leadership to a woman at some point, and I wasn't On the contrary, I was proud of what she brought as a complement to the group, and she was able to handle things in a professional manner, which never made us think that our leader was a man or a woman.
Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @steemdoctor1, @irawandedy, @rmm31 to participate in this contest.
Best Regards,
Thank you, friend!

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Me agradó leer tu publicación amigo @kouba01, por lo tanto agradezco tu mención.
La igualdad de género cada día está equilibrando más la balanza, la desigualdad cada vez es menor y llegará el momento en que no se vea a la mujer como una rival o persona debil ante el hombre.
Me siento orgulloso de mi país Venezuela, donde Gracias a la política de inclusión e igualdad, hoy en día las mujeres son respetadas y cuentan con un Ministerio de La Mujer.
Incluso hoy contamos con una Vicepresidenta Constitucional y en mi localidad tenemos una Alcaldesa.
En mi país se respeta a la mujer, se le ofrecen créditos de emprendimiento, en el área laboral el salario es igual al de un hombre cmque cumple la misma tarea, se promulgó una ley para su protección cuando existe algún tipo de violencia física, verbal o psicológica.
Seremos un país golpeado económicamente, pero hemos avanzado mucho en esta materia.
Thank you for your comment, I am glad to know that Venezuela guarantees gender equality despite the difficult economic conditions. Yes, it is true that women can help get out of this situation if they are given their full rights and respect their duty at the same time.
I love the story of the video clip that you have shared. A proven fact that equality starts at a young age.
And now I cannot stop smiling.
I wonder what would happen if the various sperm cells decides to share the egg. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Hello dear, hahaha your imagination goes too far in equality, I believe every pregnancy brings twins a boy and a girl.
Seems like this will be the next AI they will have to look at developing...(•ิ‿•ิ)
Exactamente mi estimado amigo, para crear una cultura de igualdad de genero es necesario educar, formar desde la niñez y eso solo es posible desde el seno del hogar. y tienes razón, feminismo y defensa de derechos no tienen el mismo norte. Saludos cordiales!
Gracias por su respuesta, me alegra que compartamos los mismos pensamientos sobre este tema delicado que puede causar muchos malentendidos.