Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W4: An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor AwaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Dear Everyone...!

Related to the Steemit Engagement Challenge topic which was released in Season 8 Week 4 by Steem Cameron Community about the phrase "An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away", I will associate it with one of the classic phrases expressed by Decimus Junius Juvenalis "Mens Sana in Corpore Sano".

Even though this saying is contradictory, I see it as an important part of living a healthy life.

To increase user participation in this topic, I invited some of my friends to participate in expressing their ideas/opinions. Hopefully @sofian88, @heriadi and @harferri accept my invitation.

What do you understand by this statement?

I see this expression as a form of health promotion campaign for the whole community. If you look in more detail about the content of apples which contain many sources of nutrients such as antioxidants and other sources of vitamins, apples are very effective at reducing risk, once again I repeat that the antioxidant content in every apple consumed will reduce the risk of contracting cancer, not protecting it from deadly cancer.

Apples which are rich in antioxidants can increase one's body's resistance to free radical attacks, thus consuming apples which are rich in antioxidants is expected to prevent cell damage or even death.

Just consuming apples every day does not guarantee that you will be kept away from the doctor. A healthy lifestyle has a strategic role in creating a healthy and disease-free life. It makes no sense to just eat apples on a regular basis to expect health but ignore the essence of a healthy lifestyle. I mean a healthy lifestyle such as: Regular exercise, diet, positive thinking, avoiding consumption of disease-predisposing foods, adequate rest and maintaining personal and environmental hygiene.

What are some practices/habits you do to make sure you're healthy? (State and give the importance in your own words)

Agent, host and environment are the 3 main elements that cause disease. Although the phrase ""An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away" is an attempt to reduce the risk of cancer, the three factors above play a major role in the process of the disease.

As health workers at First-level service facilities in the North Aceh District Government, we always promote these 3 aspects in maintaining health. I want to describe the interrelationship of these 3 elements so that they can cause disease.

Hosts are humans as targets for disease, while Agents are temporary disease causes, in this case carriers or causes of disease either in the form of living organisms such as germs, viruses, bacteria or fungi, then chemicals and climate which can cause trauma due to accidents and various causes of disease. other. The third is the environment which i known as the extrinsic factor. An unhealthy environment is known to be another factor that encourages the spread of disease to humans as hosts.

So, to ensure the quality of life in order to create an optimal degree of health, the efforts I have made are:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: the effort I make is to consume adequate nutritional intake, nutrition is an important element needed by the body to meet energy needs every day. There is an assumption that most people in my environment ignore the importance of breakfast as an essential need for them, even though breakfast is important to note as a source of energy which is needed in a large enough frequency during the day's work. I continue to ensure that this is an important investment towards creating a healthy life.
  2. Avoid foods that are high in fat which have the potential to cause disease over a long period of time.
  3. Exercising before going to work in the yard for 15 minutes, I try to increase my stamina and enthusiasm for work.
  4. Routinely consume fruits as a complement to daily needs.
  5. Time management: adequate rest is an important element in meeting the body's need for rest.
  6. Keeping the environment clean by disposing of trash in its place and maintaining effective room air circulation.
  7. Routine check-ups of health status: As health workers, we are required to carry out routine check-ups because as officers we have a high susceptibility to infection.

These seven points have been an important part of my life for a long time, and I continue to preserve them as a culture for myself and my family.

How did you discover these activities? Did you discover the activities/habits by yourself or someone told recommended them to you? (State and give the importance in your own words)

The important points above are part of the scientific disciplines that I have acquired since semester 1, living in a dormitory has many rules that must be obeyed, especially as we are health students. We continue to be forged and guided by dormitory caretakers for almost 3 years to apply these habits in boarding life and continue them in the post-educational life setting.

This activity has now become an important need that is difficult to abandon, for example if I don't exercise in 1 day, it's as if something isn't perfect. Work productivity has decreased and that has become an obstacle that has occurred so far.

I realize that smoking is an Agent factor that can endanger my life, I keep trying to get rid of this bad habit by sucking on candy and staying in the room completing tasks until it's time to go home

What are the health benefits of the habit(s)?

I have benefited a lot from the habits I have been doing since 2001. I am grateful to continue to have a healthy body and rarely get sick, even if I experience a decline in my health status, it is closely related to the workload that I have to complete, I have to work until morning and usually, my respiratory system will be disturbed, such as flu and coughing. However, this condition gradually improves quickly if you sunbathe in the morning and boil ginger as a drink.

The next benefit is being able to apply this habit in the family and work environment so that we continue to strive to be pioneers of healthy living for ourselves and society.

I will explain more specifically about some of the benefits of the activities that I do:

  • Exercise plays an important role in the body's metabolism, carbohydrates consumed will be converted into glucose and glycogen before being distributed throughout the body after being filtered by the kidneys. However, without sports activity, glucose will accumulate in the blood and become a predisposing factor for Diabetes Mellitus, let alone having a family history of certain diseases.
  • Breakfast: Adequate calorie needs will support work productivity, and avoid feeling sleepy and not enthusiastic.
  • Consumption of fruits: fruit contains lots of vitamins, and even apples can help the body in warding off free radical elements during activities.
Do you think everyone could engage in these habits? Explain

Everyone can do the same thing, the key lies only in will and habit. Practising it every day will become a culture and a necessity that cannot be separated.

In practice, at the Health Service Facility, I and the Non-communicable Disease Prevention Team hold routine exercise activities that are carried out every Friday. The gymnastic participants are not only from health elements, but we involve all visitors and patients with certain conditions such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes. and patients with digestive system disorders (dyspepsia).

After the gymnastics, the visitors were also given health education so that they realized the essence of health as an integral part of creating a healthy life.

Other activities are activities that do not require costs so that with existing consistency, they can adopt them as an effort to maintain their health.

What health tips would you give steemians?

To maintain a healthy life, you don't need to spend a lot of money, what you need to do is pay attention to the body's needs, adequate nutrition, regular exercise, a controlled lifestyle by avoiding predisposing factors for disease and lastly, keeping the environment clean.

However, health will be very expensive if this aspect is neglected, a person will be susceptible to disease and will reduce the quality of life.

Come on... from now on, get used to living a healthy life by continuing to show integrity and consistency to achieve ideal health. If not us, then who, if not now, then when?

Monday, March 20, 2023


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 2 years ago 

Fantastic post by you my dear friend. Truly been healthy requires some discipline just like you are disciplining yourself from smoking knowing the health implications. Again like you said maintaining a healthy life does not cost much if
Only we can pay attention to our body. Thanks for this great post .I have participated too if you have time you can check mine.

Terimakasih telah meluangkan waktunya untuk singgah dipostingan ini dengan meninggalkan komentar positif. Good Job Kawanku...

 2 years ago 


Es extraordinaria forma como has desarrollado este tema, es cierto que las manzanas y las frutas en general ayudan con el cuidado de la salud, sin embargo no lo es todo, debemos además considerar otras técnicas para mejor la salud.

Adoptar nuevos hábitos para que nuestra salud se mantenga sana, y en óptimas condiciones.

Las recomendaciones que haces, son muy importantes, aunque sigo algunas tomaré notas de las que no para así ponerlas en práctica.

Gracias por compartir con todo tu análisis.

Buena suerte 🍀

Terimakasih, semoga kita dapat menjadi role model hidup sehat dalam lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekitarnya

Your post has been supported by @harferri from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 55%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
Voting date:



Thank you for the healthy living tips that have been conveyed. it's true as you say, to live healthy you don't need to spend a lot of money. Regular exercise and maintaining a diet are things that make things healthier.
Good luck for the contest, dear. I have also participated in the contest.

Terimakasih telah singgah di postingan ini dan seyogyanya kita menyadari bahwa Sehat itu investasi jangka panjang yang tidak harus dibayar mahal

 2 years ago 

Setuju sekali, untuk hidup sehat tidak perlu banyak biaya, asalkan kita sendiri bisa teratur menjaga kesehatan dan bisa mengontrol pola hidup dengan baik dan teratur...

Very informative post yes it's the reality if we don't excercise and then glucose will accumulate in our body and lead not just diabetes but also Central obesity.

That's why the People who work in bank and sit longer time and don't do excercise and they and central obesity.

Good and informative article best of luck

Hi @irawendedy,

I love your post!

I mean a healthy lifestyle such as: Regular exercise, diet, positive thinking, avoiding consumption of disease-predisposing foods, adequate rest and maintaining personal and environmental hygiene

The environmental hygiene was what drew my attention. You see, most people keeps their environment very dirty, and still claim to eat a healthy meal but that cannot work. It only endangers the person and others around.

Thank you also for the advises. Best wishes!

I am really inspired by your suggestions you have given

  • Keeping environment clean so our mind can think positive and have good effects on our surrounding as well

  • Excercise must be included in healthy lifestyle at least 15 minutes should be given to your body

  • Apple eating is very nutrition full that's the reason the people who eat people less visit to doctor

  • Most importantly as you mentioned should give rest to body

 2 years ago 

tetap semangat dalam menjaga kesehatan, semoga makin terus bisa beraktifitas dalam segala hal

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