in Steem Cameroon2 years ago


Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of my diary game here on this great community, I hope we are all doing well by the grace of God. The countdown to Christmas and the New Year keeps getting exciting as every seconds pass by, may we live long and healthy to experience it and even more of it to come. As I way to keep active in the community I bring to another wrap up of my day today in the form of the diary game, stay tune and enjoy.

Lately going to the market has become a false hobby that I must endure, just yesterday I was in the market with my mom and today I’m in a different market alone to buy some ingredients that we couldn’t buy yesterday due to our miscalculation of the money we sent there. I was sent early this morning to the market by my mom to buy some ingredients that she wanted to prepare some food as launch for the family in the afternoon. Why should I go to the market at 9am when you need the ingredients in the afternoon, this was what in my mine as I agreed to go run the errand. My body was still feeling like a little more rest, and definitely not ride a bicycle for about fifteen minutes to the market. You can see me smiling in the picture, but that smile was a fake smile. I was pretty upset about going to the market at that time.


So I set off to the market just in the next community to mine with a bicycle, paddling with an upset mind a cascade questions of “why?”. The road even seem a little quiet today, it was kind of strange that such a normally busy road filled with running vehicles would this quiet. Something seem to be missing, and the journey I was taking felt like it wouldn’t be fruitful.


I got to market and lo and behold it was like I knew it was bad idea coming to the market that that early. Most of the shops hadn’t open yet, and even the guys at the butcher house hadn’t even come with any meat. Which was one the things that I wanted to buy. So I bought what was available and called my mom on the phone to hear what she wants me to do, either wait a little for them to come so I could get everything and then go home or I should come home anyway without buying everything. And to my surprise I was told to come home, which was a bit strange knowing how she feels when she doesn’t get all the stuffs she wants


But what choice did I also have than to return, I wanted to return any way. So my day at the market again was cut short and I returned home again without buying all the stuffs that I wanted to buy.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 58102.40
ETH 3065.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.26