My one year in a boarding school part 1

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)

Greetings everyone. I am glad to tell you about my experience in the dormitary or boarding school life.


You see, I loved boarding school with some kind of passion and if I had finished secondary and high school without going there for even 1 term my imagination would have exploded😂. But then bless God I went for one year which was all I needed.


Source Our lady of Grace college muyuka

Actually I attended Our lady of Grace college Muyuka from Form 1 with my big uniform and I believe I took you guys down memory lane last time. So the school became a boarding school when I got to form 5 and it was compulsory for all examination classes to be there even though others could register as day students. So that was my ticket 🤗🤗.

Before experiencing it myself, we had been hearing all kinds of boarding school stories left and right, front, back, center and we finally had our chance to see them for ourselves plus that year we hosted the catholic world day so it was one complete package experience we had. I remember the first day my mom came to see me off I was quite late so I had to "mount" someone meaning I didn't get a bed down or "my space" and worst the bed had no sides meaning if I'm the kind of person who turns left and right at night I'll wake up on the flour one morning with a broken rib or 2🤣🤣 but thank God I'm not. I took my bed, packed my things and my mom later left. I was quite exited and that's how the journey began...

1.The food;

Source eating time in boarding school.

Ohh stories talked of how bad dormitory food is but to be honest, ours wasn't bad at all. Maybe because we were the first batch ohh. I remember once in a while we had eru and garri, we even had chicken and spaghetti like twice every term etc which was absolutely not what I expected. But and thats a big BUT🥲 there was this one cook we nicknamed "mami nyanga" ahhh when it's her week to cook just forget. Today she will make beans with soo much salt and the next time we eat beans she won't put salt like we already ate the salt for that one last time😅😅. Day for jellof rice that the other cook makes and put carrot, green beans and even fish mami nyanga will make rice and red oil will be on one side, no carrot etc and I was wondering if they had different budgets. But then it is what it is🤷🏻‍♀️.


Remember I said i was in form 5 right? That's for GCE ordinary level so preps was a must even thought it was for the whole school but form 5 and uppersixth had extra time for preps. While the others ended preps at 9pm we had 1 extra hour so we left class at 10pm then wake up at around 3am with 30mins to bath n wear your uniform at least that early morning the bath is crowded so 30mins was okay as they thought. Ohh well, I had days I left class at 9pm with the other students especially when Mr Protus is coming for one boring African history class😒. Preps was fun on some days since its not like they checked on us even minute like a woman in labour. I remember one time two girls were caught chatting but they lied they were reading and talking about some subject and daddy Emma told one to walk out right to his office then asked the other girl what they were studying then called back the other person and asked what they were studying. God was on their side since they both called thesame literature text. I even learnt how to draw an eye on paper, carve it out nicely, close your eyes, sit comfortably, gum the paper on your eyes and sleep In peace 😂😂😂 that way its hard to know your sleeping since your eyes look open and it works better with glasses😆.


Source example of socials

We all know socials na. We always had this in the day school but now we could stay there all night since we stayed in school and again only the principal was there in school with us with some security guards. During socials, you see and hear all kinds of things...all the bad things😁. Girls being fingered, that one I saw, having sex, raw dancing, wahala couples, the ones fighting over guys or over a girl as usual I'm an observer na😅. You see all those with make up, the couples, lovers and "wesh wesh" as we were calling them, till tomorrow I'll never forget that name😁. One of those nights, I was going me to sit in class oh since our dorm was still locked like say social is by force when I saw what I wasn't supposed to see. I even entered the boys dorm once with my friend and we almost collapsed. The Principals house is a straight corridor to the boys dorm so as we entered, he just came and stood outside😂. There is only one door, where will you pass na. Well thank God it was dark so immediately he was distracted we ran for our lives without collecting any jist sef😂.


I really don't know if this was part of craft or how. But would you imagine that in each term had its sickness. The first time was the longest and in our class, 14 girls were operated for appendicitis until we were even calling them the 14 stations of the cross. No offense to catholic Christians but I was a catholic school. Each time one person goes home we only hear that she has been operated until it was no more news. 2nd term came and some kind of breathing problem. You know how asthmatic patients behave right? Yup, that's how they too were behaving, we had 3 to 5 girls in our class like that during the 2nd term. 3rd term came and that stopped but offcourse anither one started. This time it was eye problems. As you go home, you re coming back with lenses luckily that was a short term and we didn't have any health issues during "bonka". I even got sick one time and for the first time in my life I was short of blood.

Well there is the witchcraft part, the punishments,the catholic world day we hosted, the begging and the life in the dormitory itself. Which we shall continue in the next post😁. Oh well let's end here for today and thanks for reading.


 2 years ago 

I will stand here and say it and I will continue saying it till the end of time

If you did not go to boarding school, you missed big time

That place is a complete package

There was no ruling in your school? Like senior students making life hard for junior students?

 2 years ago 

Seriously its an amazing experience. Some people dont like it and i'm like you don't know what you're saying

that part has to come in the part two😂😂
Thank God I was in form 5 so it wasn't so bad.

 2 years ago 

Ok na
I'm anticipating part two

 2 years ago 

😊😊keep calm

 2 years ago 

I can relate to this life so well 😂😂the experience is one in a million I had mine for seven year from form 1 -7

 2 years ago 

Ooh it's a good one.
Thats nice
I only got 1 year but it was great

 2 years ago 

Mamayo thank you parents so much for giving the opportunity to experience boarding school cause anyone who didn't missed alot of experience as a student
If I had to talk of my experiences in it I won't come to an end.
It's a nice feeling and experience and am sure you did enjoy yourself and saw everything you needed to see
The good,bad and ugly 🤗

 2 years ago 

😂😂 oh yea i did.
If i could get more i won't say no

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Today she will make beans with soo much salt and the next time we eat beans she won't put salt like we already ate the salt for that one last time😅😅.

That is called balance of life today's excess salt is tomorrow salts 😅😅😅

Girls being fingered
I'm afraid not to understand this part ma'a

 2 years ago 

Balance ehh.

See ehh if you no understand then just livit you

 2 years ago 

Yes na she put salt today in excess. To remedy the situation she puts less today. That the balance 😅😅😅

 2 years ago 

I feel u

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Leave it like that 😅
You must not understand

 2 years ago 

Thank you Wase😂😂

 2 years ago 

🤔🤔 okay ohhh ma'am if you say so

 2 years ago 

Hmmm! Boarding school and it's experience. I do hope you are having a good time there

 2 years ago 

Yea it was

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